URLs not listed for "Elsevier Harvard (with titles)" in MS Word

I don't understand why, but when using Zotero with MS Word (Word for Mac 2011 v14.5.8, on Mac OS 10.11.6, Zotero v4.0.29.5), using the citation style "Elsevier Harvard (with titles)", the URLs for citations don't get displayed in the bibliography in Word.

The box "Include URLs of paper articles in references" is checked. I also tried it unchecked, and had same result. I tried hacking my own new citation style that always showed URLs for everything, that didn't help (though I may've done that wrong). I tried using the style "IEEE (with URL)" and that displays them, but it's not the format the journal wants.

Can anyone help here?
  • I think Elsevier Harvard is coded to only show URLs for webpages, in line with the author guidelines for Elsevier journals. To which journal are you submitting?
  • Ok, maybe just the style is stupid. Do you know another version of Harvard that always shows URLs? There appears to be a hundred versions.

    I'm submitting to International Journal of Sustainable Design, they don't have their own Zotero style AFAIK.
  • Looking at the Inderscience author guidelines, it looks they only want URLs for online-only materials: http://www.inderscience.com/info/pdf/dl.php?filename=refguide.pdf
  • Thanks, bwiernik, but many of the things I cite are online only, so I do need the URLs. But would the workaround be that I need to categorize online reports as "blog posts" or something to fool it into displaying them right? I'd prefer to just choose a format that I don't have to hack like that, because I'm concerned that mis-categorizing would lead to other display problems.
  • no, just try a couple of styles. The majority of styles prints URLs across sources.
  • You could also search using the examples here:
  • Thanks, Adamsmith, you're right, I just poked around until I found a good one (Harvard Cardiff). Thanks!
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