Author Full Name in Bibliography


I want to have author full name in bibliography. How can I do this?
  • tons of styles do that -- e.g. all variants of the Chicago Manual.
  • Actualy, I want the first name also...not just the initials.
  • I understand. A Chicago Manual citation for a book looks something like
    Plötzeneder, Friedrich, and Birgit Plötzeneder. 2013. Praxiseinstieg LabView: eine Einführung in die Praxis in 12 Experimenten. Franzis PC & Elektronik. Haar bei München: Franzis.

    If you don't get full first names, they might just not be saved in Zotero (or you're not using the right citation style).
  • edited August 12, 2016
    Thanks, it worked!
    Now I have a new problem: When the author is the same for the second reference, his name appears just once:

    Thanks again!

    Kaufmann, Jean-Claude. L’invention de Soi, une théorie de l’identité. ERES.
    ———. « Théorie, critique, dénonciation ». Le Débat, no 119(janvier): 138 43.
    Trémine, Thierry. « Entre Hollywood et Tataouine, la psychiatrie publique invisible ». L’information psychiatrique me 92 (1): 5 6.
  • I came with the same issue and found that the style from "The Journal of Transport History" is OK to use.
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