[Springer] useing "First online" instead of real publication date
An example
The publication date in the specific journal issue is April 2014. This would be the correct date should be used for citations and references in own papers.
But ZoteroAddOn (with Firefox) use "First online: 30 November 2013" as date when importing it.
The publication date in the specific journal issue is April 2014. This would be the correct date should be used for citations and references in own papers.
But ZoteroAddOn (with Firefox) use "First online: 30 November 2013" as date when importing it.
So this report here is about the "old" design. Maybe this will change in the next time.
btw2: I was title-screening all issues of this journal. After some issues the import itself stoped. I was able to select multiple publications and click "ok" - nothing happens, no error. Only firefox CPU% was high. After restarting Firefox everything went fine.
I will monitor that for other journals, too and open a own report if I can reproduce this.
My feedback was that I didn't really have a preference for the appearance but I want a site that allows efficient downloading of rich metadata, the correct print-date, and pdf.
They're just the only ones (I believe) to have both those dates up and we haven't adjusted yet.
Here's how this looks:
<meta name="citation_online_date" content="2013/11/30"/>
<meta name="citation_cover_date" content="2014/04/01"/>
(I confirmed the issues still exists for the "Springer Link" translator on this article: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1021669308832 with translators all updated running Zotero Standalone on OSX 10.11.5).
A timely fix would be greatly appreciated.
The first page does not include any "date" field in the metadata, the second has "citation_publication_date" instead. Also, the first page is the "new version" Springer uses, while the second is still the old version.
Would be great if the translator worked for both versions. Or better said, if Springer were consistent with their metadata on both versions of the page.
Also, which OS is this and which browser?
This is Chrome under Linux.
I will report to Springer that the metadata tags (HighWire) for the date are missing in this example.