No toolbar - Word 2016 for Mac

Debating going back to Word 2011 but I had problems with Zotero and Word FREEZING. Thought it was a processing power issue of my old MacBook so I upgraded to a MacAir with 2016 Word.
Zotero Addins tab shows: "Zotero Word for Mac Integration". According to your documentation, should there also be a "zotero"addin here?
Word Addins tab shows: ""
2016 Word no longer provides access to "toolbar" through its menu. Please advise. Thanks.
  • Zotero Addins tab shows: "Zotero Word for Mac Integration". According to your documentation, should there also be a "zotero"addin here?
    No, that's fine. Zotero itself would only show up in Standalone.
    Word Addins tab shows: ""
    this I don't quite understand -- where does that show up and how does it look?
  • Dear.......
    I have problem with zotero standalone the add-in icon disappeared in word 2016.... could some one help me please?
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