In Webpages it does not save Access date in Zotero web
Exactly what it says in the title.
I don't know if language has en effect. I am working in Spanish language academic work and when I input "13 de abril de 2016" or "2016", I click on Save, I wait, and it does not show up. I would then put it manually in the bibliography, but I will have to do it when I finish citing, because when I refresh it it is "corrected" leaving it in an incorrect form.
Thank you for your attention.
I don't know if language has en effect. I am working in Spanish language academic work and when I input "13 de abril de 2016" or "2016", I click on Save, I wait, and it does not show up. I would then put it manually in the bibliography, but I will have to do it when I finish citing, because when I refresh it it is "corrected" leaving it in an incorrect form.
Thank you for your attention.
adamsmithWhere is that? Are you inputting this on Because in the Zotero software you wouldn't have a "save" button?
0zer0 KELVINYes, I meant the web service. Sorry if I was not precise.