Anyone we can pay to create a new CSL?
Hello, our business school in Sydney, Australia has it's own referencing style for some strange reason. Does anyone know any people who can follow our 30 page guide to create a CSL? I put this on Freelancer and Upwork but every person who inquired had no idea what a CSL file even was.
I can help you, but I see some problematic part in this guide. For example chapter 2.21 - I do not think that this rules can be coded correctly in CSL version 1.0.1.
Chapter 2.22 cannot be correctly coded in CSL yet (see
There can be some other problematic parts. For exmaple Zotero and Medneley do not use all available type of documents and (on the first look) it seems that your Guide maybe use a little bit different type of documents as CSL.
This problematic part can be described in separte Guide for CSL teplate. So the output from your order shoud be 1. CSL file; 2. Guide for using CSL file.