Style Error: SAGE Vancouver


I am using the Zotero citation style for SAGE Vancouver and discovered that formatting is incorrect.

Zotero formats the bibliography as:
Thompson IM, Chi C, Ankerst DP, et al. Effect of Finasteride on the Sensitivity of PSA for Detecting Prostate Cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst; 98: 1128–1133.

It should be (i.e. it omits the year of publication):
Thompson IM, Chi C, Ankerst DP, et al. Effect of Finasteride on the Sensitivity of PSA for Detecting Prostate Cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 2006; 98: 1128–1133.e. it omits the year of publication.

Also when quoting websites, there is no space separating this from the preceding text. For example:
Louie KS. Screening for Prostate Cancer Review 2015 Update: Review against programme appraisal criteria for the UK National Screening Committee. UK National Screening Committee: (November 2015).

Here are the style guidelines:

Many thanks,
  • Has this been corrected in an update? I am about to start using ZOTERO to put a book's citations into vancouver style?

    Please let me know.

    Bruce Rocheleau
  • I don't think we've fixed this error, but there are many other Vancouver variants (including the default one) where this isn't an issue.
  • Do you mean that not including the year is acceptable in these other variants? If so, I think the year is valuable information and I hope they update this. However, I assume that you can insert the year manually (I am just getting started) if you wish?

    Bruce Rocheleau
  • no, I mean that the year is in all those variants. It's only missing from this particular style and that's a bug. But I'm a bit confused why you're asking this. All these styles are available and have an easy-to-access hover-over preview
    you don't need me to tell you how they look, you can see for yourself.
  • Sorry about that. I am at the very beginning--I thought there might be only one Vancouver style!
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