When I download journal articles from the web of science Zotero does not store the DOI, volume or issue number. I have the most up-to-date version of Mozilla and Zotero.
I'm getting the volume and issue numbers but not the DOI.
Also I've noticed that the address bar zotero icon does not always pop up when accessing an item, but does so immediately when you add the item to the WoS marked list. Refreshing the page and so on does not prompt a re-scan of the page for bib data. Do you know if this can be forced from zotero?
I'm getting the volume and issue numbers but not the DOI.
Also I've noticed that the address bar zotero icon does not always pop up when accessing an item, but does so immediately when you add the item to the WoS marked list. Refreshing the page and so on does not prompt a re-scan of the page for bib data. Do you know if this can be forced from zotero?