Zotero citations turn into code

Hello forum members,

In the past month, I've experienced the same problem twice: without due notice, all Zotero references in the Word document I work on turn into code, and a 12-page document into a 47-page unintelligible one.

Firefox + Zotero FF plugin
Word 2007 + Word plugin,
Zotero Standalone as backup
- all of which were updated after the problem reappeared yesterday.

The first time I believe I updated everything possible and solved the problem, but this time it doesn't seem to work.

Anyone else encountered this problem?
Many thanks for your replies!
  • press alt+F9 to show/hide field codes.
  • I just had this same problem! I was working on the document with no problem on my Mac desktop. Then when I opened the same document (stored on Dropbox in the Cloud) on my laptop, all of the Zotero field codes appeared. I tried alt + F9, but it didn't work. Working on Word for Mac 2011, 14.6.0.
    Any ideas?
  • alt+FN+F9 on most Macs
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