Composite References
Several journals (mainly Chemisty and related) prefer composite references over normal ones:
normal [1-6]
composite [1]
[1] a) ... f)
Endnote is able to do this since 2009 but I didn't find this feature for Zotero.
Is there a chance that this will be possible soon? Or is this already possible?
normal [1-6]
composite [1]
[1] a) ... f)
Endnote is able to do this since 2009 but I didn't find this feature for Zotero.
Is there a chance that this will be possible soon? Or is this already possible?
guidlines from small:
paper from small:
guidlines from "Chemisty - A European Journal"
Paper from chemistry:
Does this input help?
So we need to do something like I'm afraid that this isn't yet possible, but hopefully one of our CSL gurus can confirm that. If this is indeed not currently possible, it probably won't happen for some time, since I don't see mention of such behavior in the CSL 1.0 specification, and I don't think that CSL 1.1 has even been started.
But maybe another of the style requirements, standard journal abbreviations, will also make it into the CSL 1.1 standard, so at least those two birds will be hit by a single stone, even if that stone is relatively far off.
If this isn't possible now, we'll want as large as possible a listing of journals that require this and similar behavior, to justify and correctly develop such a feature for a future release. Can you survey journals in your field to create such a list?
WTF are these editors thinking?!!!!
We haven't designed this feature in, because, frankly, we had no reasonable expectation to ever see it. But never underestimate the capacity for people to reinvent the wheel and make things difficult for everyone else.
So if I understand right, every citation group gets a number, and every item within each group gets a letter index?
What happens if it's just a single reference citation?
A single reference will also get a number (like a group) but in the bibliography it won't have a letter index. like this:
[4] a) J. S. Lee, P. A. Ulmann, M. S. Han, C. A. Mirkin, Nano Lett. 2008, 8,
529–533; b) Z. S. Wu, S. B. Zhang, M. M. Guo, C. R. Chen,
G. L. Shen, R. Q. Yu, Anal. Chim. Acta 2007, 584, 122–128;
c) F. X. Zhang, L. Han, L. B. Israel, J. G. Daras, M. M. Maye,
N. K. Ly, C. J. Zhong, Analyst 2002, 127, 462–465.
[5] S. Chah, M. R. Hammond, R. N. Zare, Chem. Biol. 2005, 12, 323–
[3] E. Wingender, Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes, VCH, Weinheim, 1993, p. 215.
I don't think this is that off-the-wall of a requirement-- think of it as more like numbered footnotes, and each footnote can contain one or more references. Some styles would simply delimit them by semicolons; this style gives them indices. It'll be important here to figure out if this is just an idiosyncrasy of these two journals, or whether this is common in a certain academic tradition, so a list of relevant style guides/journals is important.
But in the context of the real world of actually existing software code and thousands of existing citation styles, It absolutely is an "off-the-wall requirement."
And yes, some additional research would be really helpful, so that we implement this correctly, and so some other trivial variation doesn't later require further changes in CSL.
I found composite references in the following journals (but I do not know which journals actually prefer it):
Material Letter (without letters in bibliography)
Materials and Chemistry Physics
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
Journal of Organic Chemistry
Journal of organometallic chemistry
tetrahedron letters
Asymmetric synthesis
Chem Comm
Dyes and Pigments
Eur. J. Org. Chem
Small Chemistry - A European Journal
... then I stopped searching ;-)
But the list confirms that organic chemists and chemists in general, at least in Europe, like this style.
On the homeward commute last night, though, I thought it through a bit, and it might not be that hard to implement in the processor (with appropriate extensions to the CSL language), depending on the rules imposed by the style. It depends on how the edge cases are meant to be handled.
Further questions ...
Can in-text backreferences target individual items within a group? (i.e. "I am an atom. [3a]")
If so, do in-text backreferences collapse on the "group" number. Do they do ranged collapsing on the "subitem" number? If collapsing is used, is a backreference to all members of a group containing multiple items made to the group as a whole (just the "group" number) or to the items individually ("group" number and "subitem" number for each)? (i.e. "I am a molecule. [1a,c;4b-d;7]")
Assuming that in-text backreferences to individual items are used, how are cross-nested items handled in-text and in the bibliography? That is, if citation cluster [1] contains three items A, B and C -- as 1(a), 1(b) and 1(c) -- and citation cluster [2] contains items B, D and F, how is the second item B reference shown, in-text and (harder) in the bibliography? I can think of many possibilities ... do the styles apply consistent rules/conventions to this case, and what are they?
Furthermore, the 1:2 stoi-
chiometry of the formed complex was verified by a Job
plot[41] (Figure 16 in the Supporting Information), and the
shape of the actual Job curve, which is known to depend on
the complex stability in a characteristic manner,[41c] was in
excellent agreement with the stability constant of 108 mÀ2 de-
rived from the ITC measurements.
[41]a) P. Job, Ann. Chim. 1928, 9, 113 – 203; b) C. Y. Huang, Methods
Enzymol. 1982, 87, 509 – 525; c) L. Sommer, M. Langovμ, Crit. Rev.
Anal. Chem. 1988, 19, 225 – 269.
And the last sentence:
This should lead to improved properties in supramolecular
polymeric materials,[1b, 45] as the self-healing is accelerated.
[1] Original work: a) G. T. Morgan, F. H. Burstall, J. Chem. Soc. 1932,
20 – 30. A comprehensive treatment is given in: b) U. S. Schubert, H.
Hofmeier, G. R. Newkome in Modern Terpyridine Chemistry, Wiley-
VCH, Weinheim, 2006.
[45] a) T. Nakano, Y. Okamoto, Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 4013 – 4038;
b) J. J. L. M. Cornelissen, A. E. Rowan, R. J. M. Nolte, N. A. J. M.
Sommerdijk, Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 4039 – 4070.
Thus, it appears that we have backreferencing to subitems, endnotes, and no separate bibliography.
If yes, then this would suggest it's too complicated to bother. I seriously doubt that "Endnote is able to do [all of] this since 2009," as jens suggested in the OP.
1. Multiple citations wouldn't be 4-6 but just 4
2. In the Bibliography they would be displayed as 4a b c
That doesn't seem to terrible?
No, we need to use things like [1b,45] in-text. As Frank points out, word processors don't let us create customized indices for endnotes, or at least the current plugins can't.
In the bibliography, the "45" group would in that case contain only three items, and not the full set of four contained in the Zotero citation (at least that's how I understand it from the evidence so far). As a result of that "filtering", there would never be any backreferences in the endnotes/bibliography section -- which makes it more like a bibliography listing than a run of endnotes.
Is there a chance that CSL could evolve to handle composite references?
Many thanks,
- Journal of the American Chemical Society
- Organic Letters
- Journal of Organic Chemistry
- Chemical Reviews
- ACS Catalysis
- Chemical Communications
- Green Chemistry
- Org. Biomol. Chem.
- Chemical Science
- ChemBioChem
- Angewandte Chemie
- Angewandte Chemie International Edition
- Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis
- Chem. Soc. Rev.
- ChemCatChem
- Chemistry - An Asian Journal
- Canadian Journal of Chemistry
- Chemical Letters
- Australian Journal of Chemistry
- RSC Advances
- Synthesis
- Coordination Chemistry Reviews
- Dalton Transactions
- Synlett
- Org. Proc. Res. Dev.
- Journal of Molecular Catalysis: A
- Acta Crystalographica
- Tetrahedron
- Tetrahedron Letters
- Tetrahedron: Asymmetry
- Organometallics
- J. Med. Chem. Lett.
- ChemMedChem
- ChemPhysChem
- New Journal of Chemistry
- Natural Product Reports
- Organic Chemistry Frontiers
- Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers
- Catalysis Science & Technology
- ChemSusChem
- Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
- European Journal of Organic Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Journal of Physical Chemistry A
- Journal of Physical Chemistry B
- Journal of Physical Chemistry C
- European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
- Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry
- European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
- Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
- Langmuir
- Molecules
- Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry
- Arkivoc
- Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
... and many, many others.
I promise you, I came up with that list from memory - they all use composite references. These are not obscure publications, either. They cover the spine of the literature in organic and inorganic chemistry (and there are probably many others from physical and materials chemistry which I didn't mention). Composite references are used across the major publishers also. It's not a European thing, as someone suggested above, it's international. It's used by the ACS, RSC, Wiley, Springer, Thieme, Elsevier and other publishers.
EndNote can handle composite references, which testifies to the importance of this way of doing things.
There is probably some difference in how the value of composite references is perceived between people from different backgrounds. However, in chemistry it is enormously logical to use it because it allows many references to be grouped by topic, for example in writing succinct introductions, or referring to multiple works by a single author/research group.
This feature is the only thing that stands between me and a move from EndNote to Zotero, and it has done for over five years. It's probably the same thing for innumerable other chemists (I suspect quite a few thousand), who would prefer to use Zotero's otherwise fantastic feature set over EndNote's expensive version.
Please, please, please develop this feature.
The CSL language is developed and maintained entirely by volunteers as are the processors turning CSL into citations. So essentially this requires us to put in a ton of unpaid hours for something we understand poorly and none of us is personally affected by. The only other discipline with comparably unusual citation rules are lawyers, and we have one who spends countless hours working on that.
Still, we are generally interested in seeing this happen, but it's not going to be soon unless someone mobilizes resources from inside chemistry -- either in terms of funds or in terms of developer-power -- to drive it forward.
As things stand now, the actual rules for these are, to the best of my knowledge, not even documented anywhere in all their specifics (I know of the ACS style guide but I don't see a clear explanation there, for example, of how the grouping works, how subsequent citations to such groups work etc.).
So "rules" are fairly simple for these types of references. I found the above discussion about this overly complex. Here is how it works.
If you are writing with composite references enabled (e.g. in EndNote), then this happens:
Imagine you are writing an introduction three sentences long. Something that would ordinarily (for non-chemists) look like:
"The construction of C-C bonds is an important area of chemistry.[1-3] The Suzuki-Miyaura reaction ranks amongst the most important catalytic processes for this purpose.[4] To date, various mechanistic rationales for this reaction has been proposed.[5-6]"
Note that references 1,2 and 3 as well as 5,6 are inserted grouped together, hence the ranges but these appear separate in the Bibliography (or References) section. When in Endnote I insert a reference and then another directly afterwards (or select two to insert at the same time), they are grouped.
For a chemist writing with the composite references option, the reference manager would make it look like this:
"The construction of C-C bonds is an important area of chemistry.[1] The Suzuki-Miyaura reaction ranks amongst the most important catalytic processes for this purpose.[2] To date, various mechanistic rationales for this reaction has been proposed.[3]"
1. a)..., b)..., c)...
3. a)..., b)...
The order in which the references are grouped together as a) b) and c) in each composite reference is simply determined by the order in which they were added to the text. EndNote allows the user to "enter" each reference (e.g. by clicking on "[1]") and re-order the references as to which is a) and which is b).
That's it.
You can imagine a further theoretical "complication". Imagine a fourth reference is written. This should be able to borrow the numbering from the previous references. E.g.
"Various calculations have been performed to investigate such reactions."[1b-c, 3b]
References do not have to be grouped by author, or be ordered within the group by year. They are ordered the way they are put in.
That's all there is to it. It is perhaps why the "rules" aren't documented. They are simple and generally quite intuitive, the ordering is arbitrary and up to the author to choose.
I completely understand that making such a program highly functional is a great effort on the part of the participants and that resources are scant.
That notwithstanding, this way of citing is far from rare if you consider that chemists number in the hundreds of thousands. Moreover, chemistry is the central science, and therefore this citation style spills over to journals that are, effectively, physical or biological in the topics they cover. So Zotero has a massive blind spot right in the centre of science.
Finally, it seems to me that in undertaking the creation of something like Zotero, there should be some awareness of such citation styles long before any code is written. We are talking here about a style of output that orders text in a particular way, and which can be seen clearly in virtually every chemical, biochemical, materials, theoretical and physical chemistry journal (probably well over 150 journals). From the discussions above it seems to me that one objection is that the actual "engine room" of the software doesn't permit sufficient flexibility to make this happen. That seems a bizarre limitation in 2016, not least since other software (EndNote for example) has managed this a long time ago, as someone already noted.
I understand it takes lots of effort and I am a chemist, not a programmer. But at the same time, it is a question of ordering text for a program whose function is to order text. In 2016.
We need input from a chemist who knows this family of styles well, who is sympathetic to the need to get programming details right for all cases that the processor will encounter, and who understands that both the CSL language and the citeproc-js implementation of it are volunteer efforts.
I'm sure that someone will come forward eventually. It's just a matter of time.
as a chemist, former Endnote and current Zotero user, I'd like to say that I have NEVER EVER EVER used composite references in my manuscripts submitted to ACS, Wiley or RSC. I've never had any comments about this from the editors, and the people in charge of page layout have never changed my references into composite ones. So I really don't think it's that big a deal.
Now I am totally aware that matters of bibliographic format are not exactly a rational issue (I mean, why do we need so many styles). There are questions of taste, tradition, and so on, which I respect. I have some knowledge of Javascript and CSL, perhaps I will find the time to take a look.