Multilinguale Version von Zotero (MLZ)

Nachdem ich ein update gemacht habe kam u.g. Meldung:

Diese Version von Zotero ist älter als die Version, die zuletzt mit Ihrer Datenbank verwendet wurde. Bitte upgraden Sie auf die neueste Version von
Aktuelle Version: 4.0.27
Siehe für weitere Informationen.

Und hier der Kommentar:
Der Fehler tritt normalerweise auf, wenn vorher die Multilinguale Version von Zotero (MLZ) installiert war, aber alles weitere dazu besser ueber das Forum klaeren.

Kann mit jemand etwas dazu sagen, bin ratlos!
  • If you installed MLZ, you would receive this error after installing official Zotero.

    Assuming that you did install MLZ in the past, there are two choices: continue using MLZ; or return to official Zotero. Which is your preference?
  • Danke für die Antwort zunächst! Ja, ich habe MLZ vorher installiert und wenn ich wählen soll, dann möchte ich zu official Zotero zurückkehren.
    Wie geht es dann weiter?
  • Sorry for the delay in responding.

    The simplest way to move back from MLZ to Zotero is to restore the Zotero database and sync. Here are the steps:

    1. Be sure your data is backed up (touching important data always begins with this).

    2. Be sure to stop Standalone Zotero if you have it running.

    3. Be sure you have Firefox 38 installed (MLZ may not work correctly with Firefox 39).

    4. With MLZ installed (not the new Juris-M), sync your library to

    5. Find your Zotero library, using the steps explained here.

    6. Stop Firefox.

    7. In the Zotero data folder, find the file "zotero.sqlite" and rename it. Then copy the latest Zotero backup file (it should be "zotero.sqlite.77.bak") to "zotero.sqlite".

    8. Install official Zotero for Firefox. It should run without error.

    9. Sync your library.

    You should now be on official Zotero. If you later choose to work with multilingual or legal records again, you can safely install Juris-M, which will not modify your Zotero database—you can return from Juris-M to Zotero by simply re-enabling or re-installing Zotero.
  • Hello Frank,

    For some reason, my MLZ is not working today. (But it was working yesterday). I would like to continue using MLZ (as I find it magically working with the McGill citations I need to create for my papers).

    In Firefox,under the Tools menu, the MLZ choice is no longer available. Instead, the only choice is Zotero.

    When I click Zotero in the Tools menu, a window pops up saying "Error: This version of Zotero is older than the version last used with your database. Please upgrade to the latest version from Current version: See for more information. Then there are 2 buttons to choose from - Cancel (white button) and Check for Update (blue button).

    When I click the Check for Update button, a window pops up saying "No Updates Found"- Zotero is up to date".

    Could you kindly please advice the steps I need to continue using MLZ?

    Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.

  • All is well. MLZ has a new home (and a new name). You can get things working again by installing "Juris-M Client" (the standalone version of Juris-M) from - that will restore access to your library. For browser support, the simplest short-term solution is to install the Zotero connector for Google Chrome (linked from the same Juris-M website) and use that instead of Firefox.

    It is also possible to run Juris-M as a Firefox plugin, but it is currently blocked in Firefox by default - they now require advance approval of all plugins, and the latest Juris-M release hasn't been through their process. I'm working on changes for the next release, and when that comes out, Juris-M should run in Firefox again without any configuration changes.
  • Hello Frank,

    Thank you for the instructions you swiftly provided. Much appreciated. I was able to download the "Juris-M Client" and use the Google Chrome browser and it worked well like before.

    However, when I opened the file in Libre Office, I clicked on gear icon for "Set Document Preferences" (it no longer has the Z for Zotero) then under Citation Style, there are only 2 styles available - JM Baby Blue Style and JM Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition.

    For some reason, the MLZ Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation, 7th Edition (McGill Guide) is not an option. Is there anything I need to download from the Juris M website to have the McGill 7th Edition Guide incorporated into Libre Office?

    Thank you for your kind assistance, Frank.
  • You can download the file to your computer, then in Juris-M Standalone open Preferences -> Cite, click on the Styles tab, then click on the (+) button, and you should be able to select the file.

    Here are the notes from Zotero - Juris-M works in the same way:
  • Thanks a lot, Frank. It worked so nicely! Happy holidays!

    Best regards,

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