ISBN lookup not working, report ID 1744691759
I am actually having two problems. First, my identifier lookup function is not working (it just sits there searching forever).
Second, all the PDFs that I had previously saved have migrated somewhere else, so when I try to open them in Zotero, it says it can't locate the file. Is there an easy way to move the PDFs back? This seems perhaps related to the problem that Firefox no longer saves books or pdfs to my standalone library. Should I/can I just uninstall and reinstall without any problems?
I am actually having two problems. First, my identifier lookup function is not working (it just sits there searching forever).
Second, all the PDFs that I had previously saved have migrated somewhere else, so when I try to open them in Zotero, it says it can't locate the file. Is there an easy way to move the PDFs back? This seems perhaps related to the problem that Firefox no longer saves books or pdfs to my standalone library. Should I/can I just uninstall and reinstall without any problems?
Could you post a sample ISBN for the first issue?
Does the problem extend to other IDs, e.g. a DOI such as 10.2105/AJPH.2009.160184
And the problem does extend to other IDs like the one you suggested.
I have no problems with DOI and many ISBNs but if anything doesn't look up, it will be an ISBN. I'm wondering therefore why I can easily find a publication using an ISBN on Google search but Zotero spins its wheels for about 15 seconds and then comes back with "Zotero could not find a record for the specified identifier. Please verify the identifier and try again."
Zotero standalone on Windows 10.
Examples -
ISBN 978-1-925238-17-4 National Innovation and Science Agenda (Hardcopy)
ISBN 978-1-925238-18-1 National Innovation and Science Agenda (PDF)
ISBN 978-1-925238-19-8 National Innovation and Science Agenda (HTML)
1. The Library of Congress
2. The joint catalog of German libraries
3. Worldcat
The above (as is not uncommon for agency reports/publications), isn't currently in any of these.
Plain google search is not an option -- that doesn't actually have any citation data to import.