
Scopus seems to be a problem
  • I too have a problem with Scopus as nothing happens when I click the icon. I just get an empty save window and not the usual Translator issue warning. I went through the troubleshooting list but didn't find anything that would solve the problem.
  • we have no one with access to Scopus to test, let alone repair this (Scopus is not very widely used in the US). You can get in touch with Scopus and we're happy to help them if they want to facilitate Zotero integration.
  • Maybe the use of Scopus depends more on subject rather than country? There are plenty of large universities in the US with access to Scopus and that's where I started using it after recommendations from other scientists.

    In any case, I have a memory of it working in the past, but I could be wrong. Isn't it strange though that it says "Save to Zotero (Scopus)" when I hover over the icon? I would have thought an unsupported web site wouldn't even have an icon.
  • Scopus used to be supported, but we won't notice if they change anything and it will break.
    And no, it's not subject dependent:
    It's not supported by Harvard, University of California, University of Colorado, Northwestern University, Notre Dame, as well as GMU (those are the places that I or others have tried, not a comprehensive list)
    - a list that certainly justifies my assessment that it's not very widely used - I'm not saying that it's not used at all.
  • edited September 19, 2012
    I envy your access to Scopus. Really! It is a great database for current and recent articles. I used it over several months when I was in Europe.

    Although many universities in the USA participated in a no or low cost 2-year trial I don't think that most signed up for a license.

    In addition to those listed above, Scopus is unavailable at all campuses in both the University of California and California State University systems. It is unavailable in the University of Arizona system libraries.

    I am loosely affiliated with two other universities. One is a Jesuit institution, they told me that Scopus is not available at any of their universities.

    I am told that the Scopus license is more than 2X the cost of other large and costly databases and that the only databases that are more costly are a couple of very highly specialized ones.

    I don't understand the business model that allows a fixed knowledge infrastructure and an inexpensively scalable server system to be limited in scale because of outlandish prices. If Scopus had a lower price many libraries would include it.
  • FWIW Yale and MIT do seem to have Scopus. Also, I've been in touch with s.o. at Scopus over Twitter and they seemed open in general:
    would certainly help if more people bugged them about this. Customer complaints/requests have led to several translators contributed by database provides - definitely ovid, I believe also EBSCO and WilsonWeb (though not sure).
  • On a quick check, it's not availabe here either (Nagoya University).

    University of Tokyo lists it among their available databases, but as a free service; it looks like they haven't updated their page recently.
  • EBSCO maintains their translator? You'd think there would be fewer hacks if they had access to their own software (mostly regarding RIS export)
  • Scopus is now working, thanks to finally getting hold of someone at Elsevier (via a librarian of a library using Scopus).

    The translator fix is now up. Your version of Zotero will automatically update within 24hs, or you can update manually using the "Update Now" button in the "General" tab of the Zotero preferences.

    Any problems let us know.
  • It appears Scopus is not working again. Any news if the translator will be fixed in the near future?
  • it's always a bit of a hassle to fix because I have to write to Scopus to get guest access (no one developing translators has regular access). I'd love for a couple more people to confirm this is broken before doing that to make sure this isn't just something on your setup.
  • I can get some of my students to test if that helps any? It is not a big deal as we just switch to pubmed to incorporate into zotero but I just thought I would mention it.
  • Scopus works fine for me. Please describe the steps you are performing so I can see if I can replicate any issue.
  • OK. Open Firefox and Zotero. Navigate to Scopus via the university link. Search for an article. Navigate from results page to article citation page. Select "Save to Zotero" from top right menu as always. Problem: the article saved is not the one selected in Scopus. Also, when you hover over the Zotero button it no longer offers "Save to Zotero (Scopus)" but "Save to Zotero (DOI)" and the icon is no longer a file but a folder.

    When I repeat this process using Pubmed. No problem.
  • could you post the URL exactly as you see it on that page? We won't be able to access the resource, but the way your university authenticates to Scopus may be part of the problem.
  • Navigate to Scopus via the university link.
    I'm not at your university and don't know what link you're using. I can tell you that using Zotero in Firefox and starting from works for me. I search for, e.g. "scandium" (link given, though I'm not certain these aren't session-specific) & can import a random reference ("Stabilization of scandium rich spinel ferrite CoFe2-xScxO4 (x≤1) in thin films") from the search results page. When I display the record info, I'm able to save it using the Scopus translator & this also works fine.

    Please see if others at your university have the same issue. Also follow the instructions at (including disabling other extensions you may have and resetting the translators).
  • OK. Fantastic. You were right! When I access Scopus via our library link the translator does not work. Here is the link for reference ( However, if I access scopus directly it works fine ( No big deal. I just need to tell my students to access Scopus directly.

  • So I imagine this is just because the URL through your University proxy doesn't match the translator's regular expression. I would suspect that you'll have problems with other resources through the proxy as well.

    I'm not familiar enough with the proxy handling code in zotero, but I'd think that URLs such as would match but don't know if Toronto's proxy is limited in some way so as to prompt the use of dashes instead of dots in URLs.
  • yes, as noksagt says, the problem is the hyphen instead of . in the proxied scopus URL. That's why Zotero doesn't recognize the URL and thus the page as Scopus. We can address this relatively easy in the Scopus translator, but I wonder if there might not be a better solution at a global level, since proxies do this for various sites.
  • Save to Zotero (Scopus) doesn't work. I checked in Chrome and Firefox. Another sites work as usual.

    Version Zotero

    URL for example:
  • I also cannot get "Save to Zotero" to work in Scopus when using Firefox. Both my Firefox and Zotero editions are up to date. I submitted an error report: 1968910050.

    Here is an example of one of the URLS from a citation I tried to retrieve:
  • I also have the same problem (unable to save from Scopus although Zotero and Firefox are up-to-date). I use direct connection to Scopus (no University gateway or proxy or sorts of).
  • (Talking to Scopus about this, will report back once I have news)
  • Great! Scopus is one of the databases I use most frequently because it is the one my University pays for. Don't hesitate to ask me for any details that might help you in fixing this. Maxime
  • OK, should be fixed (tiny change in Scopus, probably so small they didn't realize it'd break things for us).

    Your version of Zotero will automatically update within 24hs, or you can update manually using the "Update Now" button in the "General" tab of the Zotero preferences. If you're using Standalone, restart Zotero and your browser after updating.

    Any further problems let us know & thanks for reporting
  • True! The update was so quick I thought it was not really done, and Scopus import is working again. Thank you for this fix. Maxime
  • We are new to scopus and are experiencing similar issue. My browser and zotero plugin are up-to-date. Proxied Scopus will not allow me to batch save from search results. I can batch save using generic

    Interestingly, I can save from within individual record pages.

    our proxy is

    Any advice is appreciated!
  • edited September 8, 2016
    we struggle with recognizing pages that are proxied by inserting hyphens into the URL (i.e. www-scopus-com.ezproxy instead of the more common , so this has little to do with Scopus. I don't have a great solution right now, I'm sorry to say.

    @Dan%20Stillman -- I'm seeing this more and more. Do you have any thoughts on this? Any way to ask Simon who has done a ton of the proxy work?
  • I can use Scopus with Zotero to import items. However, it would be great if the indexed keywords could be automatically imported as tags.

    For example:
    Indexed keywords

    GEOBASE Subject Index: accountability; administrative framework; decision making; performance assessment; public administration; public service

    Regional Index: United Kingdom
    Please let me know, if and whom at Scopus I would have to contact if this cannot be done from Zotero's side alone.

    Thank you.
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