Citation doesn't include Editors

Hi! I am using AJPA (American Journal of phyisical Anthropology) style for my citations and everything is great except I cannot seem to get my book chapter citations to include the editors to the book. The citation should look like this:
Gruner O. 1993. Identification of skulls: A historical review and practical applications. In: Iscan MY, Helmer RP, editors. Forensic analysis of the skull. New York: Wiley-Liss. p 29–45.

But instead i get this in my biblio:
Gruner O. 1993. Identification of skulls: A historical review and practical applications. In: Forensic analysis of the skull. New York: Wiley-Liss. p 29–45.

How do I get the editors to show up?
(Example taken from the AJPA style guide published online:
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