How do i make small changes (supress et al) in a dependent style?

Hi fellow stylistas,
I'm using the scandinavian-journal-of-pain style (pasted below), which depends on elsevier-vancouver.

The style is not entirely correct in that it uses 'et al' in the reference list (from author 7) and this is not acceptable to the journal.

I would have thought, that it was possible to add something like <citation et-al-min="2000" et-al-use-first="1"/> somewhere in the dependent csl file. But I am not having any luck.

Am I completely wrong or did I just place the <citation/> element in the wrong place?

Kind regards
Soren O`Neill - Denmark

The dependent Scan J Pain csl file -- with my addition (second line from the end):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style xmlns="" version="1.0" default-locale="en-US">
<!-- Generated with -->
<title>Scandinavian Journal of Pain</title>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<link href="" rel="independent-parent"/>
<category citation-format="numeric"/>
<rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
<citation et-al-min="2000" et-al-use-first="1"/>
  • I don't think you can change the formatting of a dependent style. You would have to change the parent style, or rather: make a new independent style, that is a copy of elsevier-vancouver, and add the et-al-min attribute to the citation element.
  • yes, that's correct.
  • Okay dokay -- I did that and it works fine.

    Thanks for the support.
  • (we'll double-check this and fix the dependent style as necessary)
  • It would make sense (to me at least), if the dependent file allowed new element definitions to override those of the independent csl files it depends on ... otherwise, the dependent file is basically just a copy of the independent file (with a new name tag) ...
  • that opens so many cans of worms (which elements should be made inheritable, what do you do when the independent style changes--let alone technical issues) that it's unlikely to happen.

    The point of dependent styles is specifically to provide copies of existing styles with different labels to make journal styles easy to find. I wouldn't underestimate the usefulness of that. How many people would recognize a style as "Elsevier Harvard," e.g...
  • shows how much I know .. :-)
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