Proxy troubelshooting with youtube


Just for you info as required in the documentation ( i was regularly redirected by zotero towards youtube when the page i wanted to consult had an embedded video (or sth like that).
I did consult zotero preferences and find out was in the proxy pane. I erased it and it seems to work ok now. But i guess it is going to reappear...?
Debug number: D305452221 (but i did this after having found and implemented the solution and having reintroduced youtybe in the proxy pane to do the debug thing)
  • Hi again,
    In Fact, it also happens with other video, like here with vimeo (redirected from -->
    to -->

    Debug ID : D1065552462.

    All the best,
  • we've never seen this -- do they get added to a multi-site proxy or as individual proxies?
  • to a multi-site proxy
  • and what's the schema for that proxy?
    I guess you know, but just to add some details, my university is "Université Libre de Bruxelles" (ULB) and the service called "EZ-proxy" allows to connect from outside university to all the library catalogue.
  • yeah, that looks fine. Now that you have YouTube and Vimeo deleted from the list, do they show up again?
  • yes, now that i have deleted these two websites it looks like it is working ok. But reading the zotero support on proxy troubleshooting, it seems that they will probably be added automatically again? Anyway, if it happens i can put the info on the forum.
    All the best,
  • I am having a similar problem. There are some sites that redirect me when they shouldn't, if the proxy function is enabled. I noticed it a while ago when I went to, which sent me to the login page for my library catalog site, as if I had tried to access an academic journal. Just now, I went to, and it loaded that page but automatically redirected me to a youtube video about snowden and surveillance. I could not use the polity page unless I disabled the proxy function in the zotero prefs panel first. I couldn't find anyhting in the list of proxies in that panel that referenced youtube or either, so I haven't created a debug ID.

    If it helps, my institution is york university, and there are two addresses listed in the list of proxies:


  • edited September 1, 2016
    have you double-clicked on the two proxies to get to a list of proxied sites as described above? You should find the two URLs there and be able to delete them.
  • Thanks for the response. I did double click on them, but I don't see any reference to polity or youtube.

    There are seven entries in the window. The first four look identical. When I double-click on the second, third or fourth, I find the following in the 'hostname' field:


    The first is a similar, but longer, strings of characters. I cannot copy and paste them, and it is quite long to manually copy.

    When I double click on the last three, I get a similar window popping up but the 'hostname' field is blank.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if I am doing something wrong.

    BTW, I'm using Firefox on a Mac running Mavericks.
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