How to change the order of citation in word plug in

I have a query. I need to change the order of citation in my article. Initially I had cited a wrong reference in number 2, I deleted it but my new reference cited takes number 5 [in sequence] instead of 2. How to change the order of cited references
  • Seems to be an error on how/what you deleted. Can you describe what you did?

    You can place your cursor in the citation and then 'Edit Citation' from the Zotero menu in Word, delete the citation, and hit Enter.
  • Is the original #2 still showing up in the bibliography?
    You can place your cursor in the citation and then 'Edit Citation' from the Zotero menu in Word, delete the citation, and hit Enter.
    Should be able to just delete normally (backspace or delete) unless you only need to delete part of a multi-source citation.
  • Thanks for the immediate response.
    I did delete the citation #2. I had to delete it from bibliography too. Now the problem is I don t have #2 in my bibliography. Refereshing of zotero bibliography done. Now I need to insert another citation in place of #2. The new citation number is not #2 but rather #5 ie; next number in sequence. To clarify this #2 was a reference cited in table.
  • You shouldn't need to delete the reference from Bibliography manully. If the reference persists after refreshing the bibliography, it means that it was not properly removed. Press Alt+F9 and look for any left-over field codes (assuming you're using field codes rather than bookmarks under Zotero Document Preferences) where #2 used to be. I would also re-insert the bibliography so it updates properly.
  • I checked.... no field codes left over. Let me describe it again.The word document is like this------>>>

    Mary had a little lamb (1).
    Table 1 depicts the features of the lamb....[within the table is citation #2]
    Jack was waiting for Mary(3-6)
    Jill not happy(7)

    When I edited the #2 citation and continued with my word document with other citations previous #2 changes to the last citation number in bibliography. So the current number of old#2 is citation number 8
  • I do believe that citations in tables are typically numbered as if they were the last in the document -- that's because of the way positions in tables are returned by Word.
  • Thanks adamsmith,I wonder why the first cited quote in the table didn t change and the next citation changes
  • I need to re- arrange the order of text in my literature review. Is is possible to do so without having to re- enter the citations in order to maintain order of the citations?
  • Not sure I quite understand the question. Zotero will renumber citations if you move text around, is that what you're asking?
  • edited September 24, 2020
    Yes, exactly. Does Zotero automatically do that?
  • Yes. You might have to hit the Refresh button in the Word add-on.
  • @adamsmith Thank you so much. Saved me a lot of time!
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