Style Request: Cardiff University Harvard

Hey guys. I've just stumbled upon Zotero and I love it, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be the style of citation that I need. It's called the Cardiff Harvard style, which is specific to Cardiff University. It's a tweaked Harvard style, but I don't know how to create my own. I wouldn't know where to start with HTML

Here's the style guide:

Some of the differences include:
Citing - not sure what standard Harvard uses, but in CUH sytle, et al. is used for three or more authors

There is usually a ". " instead of ", " apart from between volume and page of a journal e.g. "17(5), pp. 201-203."

When referencing chapters, there is a colon after the In. i.e. "In: P, Kumar" and the edition of the book is also referenced after the title in this style "3rd ed. " with the rd being superscript

When referencing journals there is no comma between the name of the publication/journal and the volume

when referencing websites, the title of the article is in italics and after the title in normal script is " [Online]"

Sorry if that was a bit long winded or hard to understand and thanks in advance to anyone who does this!
  • Update:

    I had a go at doing this myself, and I've managed to get the first two things done (I think) using the zotero editing thing (chrome://zotero/content/tools/csledit.xul)

    Now I'm really stuck though. I'm not sure how to add the edition of the book and superscript and I can't make any of the other changes.

    I also don't know how to create a .cls file from the .txt file I've made. I just copied and pasted the changed code to a txt file and re-named it .cls. But it says this xml file does not seem to have any style information associated with it?

    Any help would be much appreciated.
  • On the second issue. Make sure your file is a .csl file and not a .cls file. That is probably the hang up.
  • also to the second issue - that's alright, it always says that - now if you call it .csl it will also ask you if it should install the style and you're good.

    On the first issue - superscript works with:
    but how to get it small?
  • Hi Manish.

    I am trying to help a friend use Zotero with the Cardiff University Harvard style.

    I was wondering if you have had any success on creating a Zotero style for this? Have you posted the result somewhere?

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