
How can more styles be added to the online Zotero (Web Server version)?
  • That's not possible currently. You can generate references in other styles via the API and of course via the client, but not via the website. If you're doing real work in Zotero, you want to be using one of the clients, not the website.
  • (Not to say that this isn't a valid feature request — the ability to generate references from the website in any style on the styles page — but it's not possible at the moment.)
  • Thank you Dan!
  • Dan it is a valid feature request indeed. I have someone else edit my footnotes for my dissertation because I'm running out of time, and I was planning to give them access to my account online. making them install a client under my name is going to be quite complicated...
  • edited September 2, 2015
    Not to take away from the original request, but yours doesn't really seem like a case for it. You shouldn't give anyone access to your account in any way. For collaboration in Zotero, you should use groups — that's what they're for. And even with a group, if you're working on a dissertation, it's much better to use the word processor plugin with the client (assuming you're using Word or LibreOffice) rather than just generating a flat bibliography.
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