"sep is undefined"

  • It seems my problem is bigger than I thought. This is a standard transliteration system that I am using for my dissertation. So, I have to stop it and rewrite all my library. Is there a reasonable solution to this? Can you help me?
  • That wasn't for you. You'll have to wait for fbennett to look into this.
  • @hayarpi.papikyan: I can make the processor fail with that string. This is good news—it means that I can fix it. You will not need to change your transliteration system.

    I have a question, though. The failure is caused by a mixture of left-single-quote characters (as in Dprots‘e) and straight-single-quote characters (as in Pastat'ght'eri). Is the distinction between the two forms of single quote significant in the transliteration system, or is it just an accident of transcription?
  • fbennett, thank you for this wonderful news! The Library of Congress transliteration system requires the left single quote. Some of the references I downloaded from library catalogs and added the left quote sign where it was missing. I'm afraid the difference was not so obvious, even now when I am looking at them in zotero. Shall I go ahead and change them all into a left single quote? What else I should do?
  • Let me think about this for a little while. Preserving the left-single-quotes will be a little trickier - but can be done. More news soon.
  • edited July 28, 2015
    Okay, we have a solution, but it's not completely automagic.

    It is easy to fix the processor to avoid the crash you experienced. It is harder to fix it to produce the output that you want with the input in your sample.

    The problem is that the processor expects left-single-quote (LSQ) to be paired with a right-single-quote (RSQ). The expectation is unavoidable, unfortunately, since the processor needs to identify quote boundaries in order to correctly change from single- to double-quotes when quotations are nested. So the only fix I can manage with the strings as you have them is to set these characters (incorrectly) as RSQ (as if they were apostrophes). That will avoid the crash, but the processor will still try to set these characters as quotes. When the context permits, it will change RSQ to LSQ—and to double-quotes in come contexts. I ran it in a test, at it looks pretty bad. We don't want to go there.

    The correct solution is to use a different character for the "left-single-quote" transliteration markup. Unicode has such a character, called U+02BB (MODIFIER LETTER TURNED COMMA). There is some information on it here:


    You would need to teach your keyboard to produce this character in Firefox somehow, but once done, your transliterated strings will render correctly on all modern computer systems, in all contexts.

    So…I will fix the processor to avoid the crash. I will post back here when that has been done. That will allow you to carry forward with your writing, but it won't be a complete solution; for that, you will need to use the "turned comma" for the glottal stop marker in the transliterated text.
  • With the latest version of the Patch Plugin, your document should render successfully—but the citations will come out with some strange formatting, for the reasons given above.

    To fix the formatting, you will need to use the glottal stop marker (Unicode U+02bb) as described above. I'm sorry for the extra work this will require, but (for what it's worth) it really is the right way.
  • fbennet, thank you very much for taking the time to go through the errors and finding a solution. I'll let you know the result after I review my library.
  • fbennet and Dan Stillman, thank you so much for your help. It works now.
  • Excellent! That is very good to hear. Thanks for reporting back.

    If you run into further difficulties, don't hesitate to post.
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