URL not added to APA 6th Reference

I recently moved my library to another computer and now when I populate the reference section the URL does not show up when the doi is not used. The URL is in the citation.

How can I fix this?
  • The APA manual wouldn't want you to include a URL where you have a DOI (DOIs are more stable). Why do you want the URL? What's an example of a citation the way you see it and the way you'd want it?
  • Adam, if the DOI is not available for a journal article then an URL should be placed at the end with "Retrieved from...." I do not understand why the URL does not populate anymore.

    Here is an example where the URL did not populate:
    Ali, I., & Sarasvathy, S. (2012). The Friedman vs. Freeman controversy: An empirical investigation with early stage ventures. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 32(19), 1.

    Here is an example of what it used to look like before I moved my library:
    Ali, I., & Sarasvathy, S. (2012). The Friedman vs. Freeman controversy: An empirical investigation with early stage ventures. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 32(19), 1. Retrieved from http://digitalknowledge.babson.edu/fer/vol32/iss19/12
  • Remove the page number (which is incorrect, anyway) and the URL will appear.
    By default, Zotero doesn't list URLs for articles with page ranges/numbers.
    You can toggle that behavior under Cite-->Styles in the preferences, but I'd council against that.
  • Thank you! That was the fix I needed- to remove the page number.
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