Help with our shared library and syncing


Our work has a Zotero library and there are 17 members, some of us use standalone and some of us use Firefox, the syncing has always worked fine. This morning though I have noticed that my Zotero (firefox) isn't syncing with 2 others who use stand alone, all of ours are set to sync automatically. I've then gone to login online to see which is causing the problem and our library isn't there at all which is slightly worrying, any help with this would be appreciated!

Many Thanks
  • A professor at my school is also experiencing problems syncing his account. His online Zotero Cloud account does not match his computer hard-drive Zotero account. He is using firefox.

    Also, his groups are not viewable on his computer hard-drive. Is this happening with others?
  • dncarson: Please start a separate thread using the "Start a new discussion" button at the top of the page.
  • Amelia:

    1) What do you mean by "isn't syncing"?

    2) What do you mean by "our library isn't there"?

  • Hello, this is my report ID - 289706217

    I am adding documents to our shared library and other people with access to this can't see what I have added, also when I log into Zotero online a library has disappeared with all of our documents, I thought these were meant to be saved online when you log in?

  • Start here:

    You have many thousands of items online, both in your personal library and in a group library, so you'd have to be more specific with regard to "a library has disappeared with all of our documents".
  • I've also ran a report on Browser console and lots of errors appear saying ' This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More]'

    I'm not sure if this means anything?

    I am looking in the right place and my Zotero has definitely synced as I see the green arrow spinning and then it stops. I used to login to my Zotero and my library would be there but now it isn't, I'm not sure how else I can explain that.
  • Take a screenshot that shows the problem, post it somewhere (Dropbox,, etc.), and provide a link here.
  • I think I may have had the warning box ticked before as it's no longer showing the SHA-1 certificate problem.
  • No, we need a picture of the website that shows what you mean by "my library would be there but now it isn't". Don't worry about the Browser Console.

    We have a library called 'TBC Shared library' which I can see on my Zotero with Firefox but not when I am logged in to Zotero, as above
  • Right, so you're looking in the wrong place. That's just your personal library. To see your groups, click on the Groups tab at the top of the page.

    This is another screenshot which may help with the problem I said about where other users in our group can't see what I've added. I've just looked at a colleagues computer and they can't see the section I've recently added in TBC Shared Library called 'TBC Publications', she also only has appox 1400 items that she can see in her library and can't see anything I've recently added, you can see i have over 1500. Her computer constantly crashes though when she tries to sync. Others have the same problem though where they can't see what I've uploaded within the TBC shared library but when they have synced okay, does it mean there are too many users in the group? Something doesn't seem right as when we first started using this it all worked fine and we didn't have any slow problems, we have pleanty of storage left too.
  • Thank you that's solved that problem...!
  • It's just the fact that others can't see what I've added now, I've tried it on 3 others PCs so I think it's their problems as what I've uploaded is definitely on our library.
  • edited July 20, 2015
    Changes Not Syncing covers this. If someone's computer isn't syncing successfully, they won't see recent items, and the troubleshooting will need to happen on their computers. You can verify that the items in question are in the online library on, which would indicate that the issue isn't on your computer.
  • This isn't really something we can debug in the abstract, though. Once you've confirmed that the items are on, you can point your colleagues to this thread to debug the issues on their computers.
  • As for "crashing", though, if you just mean that it's freezing when she tries to sync rather than closing unexpectedly, she just needs to give it a little time to finish. The current version of Zotero can freeze temporarily during large syncs, and if you force-quit it, it will just keep happening. (The next major version of Zotero will remain responsive even during large syncs.)
  • Thanks Dan, that's very helpful, I'll give that a go.
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