Drag and Drop


I know this is a well documented problem, but after I updated to I cannot drag and drop files into a collection. I cannot drop it into a folder to share a reference with someone.

cmd+shift+C doesn't work either. My report ID is 761035338.

Please help. And thank you in advance.
  • It's not a well-documented problem. Dragging should just work. What are you trying to drag (top-level item, child item, note, attachment, etc.), from where, and to where?
  • Hi Dan, thank you for the quick response. Reinstalling both the standalone and browser extension seems to have done the trick. I wasn't being able to drag and drop anything period. I was trying to drop references from my library into a shared folder. Thank you!
  • Wanted to add I had a similar problem for the first time today.

    Zotero Standalone Mac OS 10.8.5

    When trying to drag an item from one collection into another, or from My Library into a collection…. nothing happened. No transparent "item" appeared under the cursor and no highlighting or plus sign on the collections when hovering over them.

    I also could not add items using Safari plug in, but that is sometimes tricky in itself (JSTOR).

    Restarting Zotero Standalone did not resolve the issue; however, restarting the computer did and now all is well.

    Unfortunately I neglected to get an error report before restarting. I will add one here if this happens again.
  • I also cannot drag-and-drop entries from one folder to another, neither within my one collection nor with shared folders in group libraries. Other colleagues report to have the same problem.

    I run Zotero and Firefox 38.0.5
  • meaning this never works or this sometimes doesn't work?
    And what exactly happens when you try?
    Can you create a test case:
    In "My Library", create a new, empty collection. Then drag a single item from "My Library" to that collection. Can you confirm that fails?
  • edited June 25, 2015
    It never works

    There happens nothing, only the item is highlighted, but when I drag, nothing else happens.

    As you said, I created a new collection but failed in dragging a single item to that collection.

    I am not shure, if it matters, but I use the german language version/setting.
  • Could you try disabling all Zotero add-ons if you have any installed, see if that makes a difference?

    If not, provide a debug ID for trying to drag an item:
  • Do you mean the Zotero add-ons in firefox? I disabled the one for Word-Integration, did not make a difference.

    I created a debug ID (2901933) and sent it to the server.
  • oh sorry, I thought you were running Zotero Standalone -- no, I meant all other Firefox add-ons, whether they're Zotero related or not (this is for testing only, of course, you can re-enable them again afterwards).
  • (That's neither a Debug ID nor a valid Report ID.)
  • Adam, disabling all add-ons did the trick. The first time I re-enabled them, the problem re-appeared, but after dis-/re-enabling add-ons several times, the problem seems to have vanished.

    Dan, I am sorry for that. I tried to create a new report (D6790412519), hope this one works.
  • If this is working now, you can just leave it be. If it occurs again, I'd try re-enabling the add-ons one-by-one and see if you can identify the particular one causing the problem.
  • Thank you very much, this was very helpful!
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