I am having problems using this program on my MacPro. Thanks for sending a link but I am more of a hands-on learner and reading through a lot of material is not helpful to me. In addition I am on a time clock so reading only infuses my confusion. Is there anyone I can call that is willing to walk me through my issue?
sorry, Zotero doesn't do phone support. If you're at an academic institution, you can try your library -- many libraries offer support for Zotero -- but otherwise you'll need to work with us here on the forums.
As indicated that not my mode of learning but thanks anyway. I'll just have to find some other software program that's has a vehicle that works with all different forms of learning.
As indicated time is of the essences. I have gone to a local library and unfortunately they were not familiar with MacPro. and why the software wasn't working accordingly. I also contacted apple. Both entities suggested that I contact you. So, I am sorry that you are not able to support the different forms of learning. I guess I will have to utilize some other software that does support all the different forms of learning.
RefWorks and EndNote offer phone support. You pay the according price for the software, but if you need that type of support, as far as I know those are your only options. Unfortunately it's just not possible to offer free software that includes one-on-one in-person support.
If I might make a suggestion. Download whatever version of Zotero you wish, or download both versions. I would start with the standalone version, and later add the Google version. Work with the standalone version until you get used to the way data is entered and things work. It should not take more than fifteen minutes for you to familiarise yourself with basic stuff. The right panel is where you enter the data. The middle panel is a basic listing of some of the data entered in the right panel. Do not be afraid to experiment. Zotero is very forgiving. That is all there is to it really.
You might want to start here: https://www.zotero.org/support/getting_help