Request site translator for WorldCat Discovery Service

Our library currently uses WorldCat local for our catalog and Zotero works very well with this. However, WorldCat is dumping their current offering and rolling out WorldCat Discovery Service in its place. No icon appears in the address bar when using WDS.

For reference, here is a link to the search results for a book in WDS:

Clicking on Runge's book creates a slide-out details pane. It would be great if the translator could work from this slide-out pane. Selecting the title again (from the details pane) opens the item further (without the search results in the left column).

Thank you.

  • yes, we should be able to do that. Will take a little while, though.
  • A number of other libraries have also switched or will be switching shortly to WorldCat Discovery.

    Thanks for working on this!
  • Using translator "Open Worldcat", Zotero doesn't correctly identify a list of records, instead showing only the default "Book" icon.

    Further, it generates an error when saving to Zotero. Here's an example search:
  • Yes, I would like to second the need for this, and fixing the Open WorldCat translator. Is this something that OCLC should be notified about as well?
  • no, OCLC has never been involved with the Zotero translator.
  • My library asked WorldCat Discovery about this problem and they supplied the following workaround for Zotero as a Firefox plugin (they also said there is no current workaround for Zotero Standalone):

    Workaround for Zotero plug in for Firefox:

    Search for an item

    Right click on the book icon on the right side of the browser

    Select the “Save to Zotero using COinS” option from the dropdown menu
  • Thanks, goetzje. This works great for us. I'm eagerly awaiting a more permanent fix.
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