split bibliography by type

Are there any styles that sort the bibliography by entry type? E.g. books first, then journal articles, then conference papers (each block sorted alphabetically)?
  • I don't think so, no, but there is a quick introduction here:
    It's not very hard to do.
  • Thanks, very interesting. If I understood correctly, that relies on Zotero, so sorting by type is not part of the style and will not work with other tools (like citeproc-js or pandoc-citeproc)?
  • no, that's standard CSL and will work for any tool interpreting CSL correctly, i.e. definitely anything using citeproc-js (which Zotero uses) and presumably also pandoc-citeproc.
  • edited May 4, 2015
    OK, I will see if I get it to work with pandoc-citeproc.
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