Cleaning local storage?

my local zotero storage reaching 10+ gb, I have decided to do a little early spring cleaning. So I went through the libraries and cut down quite a lot of them. But, the size of the storage folder (local!) stays the same. Is there any solution to this?

Any inside very much aprreciated


  • Did you empty the trash?

    If there's nothing in your trash, tell us exactly how you trimmed these libraries.
  • (that's the Zotero trash at the bottom of the left hand panel, which is separate from your system's trash).
  • hi, thanks for your answer. I did empty the trash bin after I went throug deleting individual items and whole libraries.
    There must be now orphaned data in the local sorage data. any way to check this out? I tried Checking data base. to no avail...
  • Sorry to refresh an old thread. Is this script still the most appropriate solution? Does it solve the following situation?
    I have several folder with one or both of these files:
    Rarely empty folders.

    I believe this happens when I include e.g. a PDF file via the native Zotero function (e.g. a PDF viewed inside the browser, I snapshot it, which attaches the file, but via a Zotero storage folder structure). Then, I select the file, use Zotfile to rename it, which also moves it outside the storage folder into another section of my disk. However, Zotfile does not deal with the rest (folder and the files therein).

    Thanks for any help!
  • those are used for full text sync, so they do have a function--why do you want to get rid of them?
  • Well, 'cause I'd like to clean-up. OK, it's < 1kb, but it seems a useless folder. Curiously enough, another user raise the same issue here:

    So I am aware of your answers. Thanks from my side, too.

    As I know little about the indexing engine, I'll reckon I follow your recommandations. However, it seems strange to me that two files <1kb can contain the indexing information of a huge PDF file. Moreover, if I just link from the very beginning to a file located elsewhere than in storage (so no rename and move), I do not get those two files. Does this mean that in the first case I can search full text, but not in the second?

  • Those are indeed support files for full-text indexing. Files that are only linked to Zotero will not be indexed, so you wouldn't find those files associated with content outside Zotero.
  • Actually, linked files are indexed and searchable, and they do create directories within 'storage' containing .zotero-ft-cache (and .zotero-ft-info for PDF files).
  • Dan: Thanks for catching me. Didn't know that! Ouch.
  • Thanks! It's true, also just linking from the very beginning creates one or two files.
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