Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) Citation Error

The current style for the Journal of the American Chemical Society is including issue numbers, which is not the correct style for the journal.

The correct style is Lastname, F.N.; Lastname, F.N. Journ. Abbrev. (in italics), year (bold), volume (italics), first page #.

Examples can be seen in the image at the following URL (the paper is from 2015, so it is current).
  • we're including issue numbers because the style guide says to include them where journals are not continuously published throughout a volume (and we figured it'd be better to err on the side of more information).
  • I understand, however, from the ACS style guide:

    "For periodicals in which each issue begins with page 1, include issue information (either the number or the date) in the publication volume field. Issue information is set in roman type, enclosed in parentheses, and spaced from the volume number, which it directly follows."

    Issues in JACS do not each begin at page 1, they are indeed published continuously throughout each volume.

    This can be seen here:

    I have used this Zotero style a lot in the past and never had this issue, it seems to be a relatively recent change (last year or two).
  • right, but that part in the ACS style refers to the journal your citing, not the one your publishing in and there's no way for Zotero to tell how that's paginated.
  • Quite correct, I'm not sure what I was thinking. Sorry about that!
  • This is tricky I realize -- most journals by now are continuously paginated. It's very easy to remove issue numbers in the style

    Simply find and delete
    <text variable="issue" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>

    General instructions here:
  • Peculiarly the JACS CSL file in the repository has no style information associated with it. The closes one I can find is the general ACS one, under "American Chemical Society".

    Is that the one to which the JACS style refers? And if so, should I simply change that one in my list of styles?
  • JACS uses American Chemical Society (page-first) -- filename would be american-chemical-society-page-first

    (The Journal style just links to the more generic version, that's why you don't see any style information).
  • Update to this problem. I have made the suggested change, which works for all but one situation.

    The journal Chemical Communications does not use volume numbers (or didn't until recently). When I cite something from this journal, despite having removed all mention of issues in the "journal article" subset of the ACS citation style, Zotero now bizarrely inserts "No. [issue #]" into the bibliography. Which is not consistent with the style, and of course not what I want.

    I'm not sure how to fix this problem. It would appear that it depends on there being no volume number, but beyond that I'm stumped.

    Any ideas?
  • Try to delete the block which follows the rendering for volume number, i.e.:
    <else-if variable="issue">
    <group delimiter=" ">
    <text term="issue" form="short" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
    <text variable="issue"/>
  • (I haven't checked, but I find it very odd that a journal wouldn't cite volume numbers. I don't believe I've ever seen this).
  • Thanks @zuphilip, that worked.

    @adamsmith: Indeed, ChemComm uses them now but they did not used to.

    I think Chem Lett is another one that doesn't. They simply use the year and omit a separate number for volume.

    It's unusual, but it's how they did it at one point.
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