Year and Journal abbr info not displayed after importing from endnote
Hi, I imported all my endnote references into zotero. All references were imported successfully. However, I dont see the Year and Journal Abbr info for a number of entries even though the information does exsit for each entry which I can see on the right hand side panel. I mean I can see this information for the particular citation on the right hand side of zotero panel but it does not appear under year and Journal abbr in the middle column. Is it a bug or I am missing something.
2) If so, what's the item type (book, journal article, etc.) of an item for which this occurs?
I exported from endntoe X1 as an RIS .txt file. file is imported into zotero without any problems and the references on RHS do have all the necessary information except the file attachments I had with the endnote. But Journal Abbr in middle column in zotero is not being displayed for all the references. It included book, journal, etc.
Are you saying that you see values in those particular fields in the right pane for items that don't show values in the middle pane?
A screenshot might be helpful.