Custom Locate button


It would be great if Locate button is always active (not only for papers, books,...) and when you click on it a local web page is displayed at the browser


containing a list of links to different URLs (Amazon, Google scholar, Google search, Library locator services, ...) where you can find the article, book, ...


To reach just in two clicks to extra information that is not in the bibliographic database (for instance, the cover image of a book, the number of citations a paper has, the price of a book, ...)

The links could depend on the kind of entry (patent, article, ...) and if you can customize somehow the zotero://locator page it would be more useful because people could integrate zotero within his organizations.

What I implemented (and it works pretty well) is the following:

I've defined a custom solver:

and when you push the Locate button the results is a web page with custom links to other sites:

Zotero local library locator service Here is the simple PHP script

// localzoterolocator.php script

<h3>Zotero local library locator service</h3>

<li><a href='"<?php echo $title_param; ?>\"'>Google Scholar</a></li>
<li><a href='<?php echo $author_param;echo $year; ?>'>Local Google Desktop</a></li>
<li><a href="">Intranet Documentation</a></li>
  • That's a clever solution, but, while we haven't formalized the details, we're planning to implement a Locate menu (as opposed to just a button) with support for OpenSearch plugins. This should allow the same level of extensibility using an open specification already supported by Firefox.
  • That's sound well. Thanks.
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