Zotero standalone not saving references from internet

My error report is 663226884
Unfortunately my standalone Zotero is not saving references from internet (chrome). When I click on the 'Save to Zotero' icon in Chrome, on bottom of screen bubble pops up to say saving to Zotero but the new info does not appear in Zotero. I am using a new internet connection through my university - I think this is the cause?
Advice would be most welcome.
  • From which website ?
  • From academic journal websites, newspaper websites etc - regardless of website nothing saves to Zotero when I am using my university connection. When I use Zotero at home I have no problems everything saves normally to Zotero.
  • we'd need to see a sample URL--exactly as you see it--for a site where saving fails for you (ideally one that works at home).

    Also, in the pop-up in Chrome: does the title of the item you're saving come up?
  • Here is a sample URL that works at home but not at univiersity
    In the pop up in Chrome it says "Saving to Zotero" - including the title of the reference that is meant to be saved.

  • OK, if the title pops up, the item is saving, just (apparently) not where you expect it to.
    In Chrome chrome://extensions/ when you click on "Options" for Zotero: What does it say below "Zotero Standalone"?
  • It says "Zotero Standalone is currently unavailable."
    ALthough standalone is open. Nothing changes when I click update status
  • I am having the same problem, although it is all the time - regardless of my internet connection.
  • let's keep these in separate threads, then--the cause is likely different and I don't want to confuse people. Please tart a new thread, describe your set-up and what exactly you're seeing.
  • @Rvdwiel -- very likely this is due to the setup of your work internet. Is that using a proxy server? If so, you need to make sure that port isn't routed through the proxy.
  • Hey there,
    since today I have the same problem: Zotero Standalone is currently unavailable.
    I use opera, newest version, and Windows 8.1. I uninstalled everything and installed again and when I save an item to zotero it goes directly to my online-library (anywhere - it took some time to find it) and standalone doesn't answer.
    What may I do?
  • is this at home or at work? Are you using a proxy to access the internet?
  • it is at home and i guess i do not use a proxy. but as i am not sure what that means, i can't say it.
  • If it's a home connection, try disabling your security/firewall software (or whitelisting, for the technical solution).
  • I've tried again with the disabeled firewall and it is the same. I get the saved book data but just in my online library (at www.zotero.org) and after that I can sync this bibl. with the standalone. But it takes to long time and some months ago it worked without any problem.
  • Can you provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) from Chrome for a save attempt?
  • I use opera and this is the Debug ID D1702963320.
  • That's from Zotero. We'd need a Debug ID from the connector you're using.
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