Can't resize Standalone horizontally

I'm running Zotero Standalone (v4.0.23) on Linux elementary OS Luna (basically Ubuntu 12.04).

I can't horizontally resize my window as small as I want. It stubbornly stops at about half my screen (1280x800) and won't go any smaller. I understand that this has something to do with the 3rd (rightmost) pane and its fixed with (as per:

I'm trying to tile my windows so that the Zotero app takes up half the screen and is side-by-side my LibreOffice app (which would take up the other half of the screen). So I tried the fix in the old thread I mentioned above:

The zotero.jar file was located in /opt/zotero/ and the zoteroPane.xul file was subsequently found in zotero.jar/chrome/content/zotero/ (after the unzip).

I replaced:
<splitter id="zotero-items-splitter" resizebefore="closest" resizeafter="closest"

<splitter id="zotero-items-splitter" resizebefore="closest" resizeafter="closest" collapse="after">

and the 3rd (rightmost) pane can now be hidden. BUT, the whole zotero application window still acts like the 3rd pane is there and won't resize smaller than a certain width.

Can anyone help? Maybe there's another variable in zoteroPane.xul that is preventing the horizontal resize?

Here's a screenshot before hiding the panes:

And after:

NOTE: that both screenshots represent the minimum width that I can resize the Zotero application.

  • I have this same problem with Zotero Standalone for OSX Yosemite, so I'm hoping a comment will bump up the OP's question. The best I can do, instead of horizontal resize, is to show the right pane and have it hanging off the screen space, so that the left side of the window stops about half-screen, which is very far from IDEAL.

    I was, however, able to hide the right hand pane "out of the box"—I didn't need a work around as OP did. But it would be really nice (and intuitive, it seems to me) if there were a menu command for hiding right and left panes, rather than having to figure it out by mousing around the scroll bars. It's weird there's no "View" menu in Zotero Standalone.
  • The minimum width just hasn't been adjusted since Zotero gained the ability to hide the right-hand pane, which only happened in January. It was set to pretty much the narrowest the three-pane window could be reduced to and still be usable. I've created a ticket to reduce it.
  • This is the only reason I'm still using Endnote instead of Zotero. Most of my work is done with a pdf or word document open in half the screen and my referencing software open in the other to take notes from one to the other. If anyone finds a solution I'll be switching right over :)
  • bumping because I have the same problem. really need to be able to do half screen while working on an annotated bibliography
  • What version of Zotero are you using? In current versions, you can collapse the right and left panes and resize the window as small as you like.
  • I have the same issue on Zotero Standalone on Windows 10, version Both panes are minimisable, but the minimum window width is still more than half of my screen.
  • I have the same problem
  • Is this still not fixed? I nee to tile two windows to drag and drop between libraries.
  • The minimal width is reduced and Zotero now has an option to stack panels vertically in the general tab of the preferences, so this should be all set.
  • edited May 20, 2018
    I'm not sure what exactly @ffelix is asking for, though, because you can't open multiple Zotero windows. That's not necessary to drag and drop between libraries, though. @ffelix, if you have a question about that, start a new thread and say more about what you're trying to do.
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