Display of (judicial) case in Chicago full note style


I am not sure whether this question is placed more appropriately here or in the section on law-related styles (sorry, if it's wrong here).

I have the following issue and I could not find an answer in existing discussions.

Currently, I work on a PhD project in law. I use Zotero version. and Chicago Manual of STyle, 16th edition, full note style.

The problem is with the way that the case law of the World Trade Organization (WTO) appears in the footnotes in the Word text.
I have entered a number of cases uniformly in the database, i.e. always filling in the same information in the same field. Yet, the way the cases get displayed in the footnotes varies between the following formats:

European Communities — Trade Description of Sardines, WT/DS231/AB/R, 208 (Appellate Body 2002).

China — Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, WT/DS394/AB/R, 356 (Appellate Body 2012), para. 356.

In other words, sometimes, the paragraph number gets displayed before the brackets only and without "para."; in the other case the paragraph number gets displayed twice, and once with "para." in front. This does not concern only these two examples, but many others - this is why I am confident that I have not made a mistake when entering the cases without noticing it, but that the reason must be a different one.

Ideally, I would like a citation that is in the following format:

China — Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, WT/DS394/AB/R (Appellate Body 2012), para. 356

However, the most important issue is that the cases are displayed consistently in one format.

Finally: I know it is in principle possible to modify Zotero styles to adapt them to own's one needs, but I have looked at the description of how to do this and I am afraid this is much beyond my technical ability.

Any advice is much appreciated - and please let me know if I have not delivered all the information that is needed to answer my question; this is one of the first times I am posting here.

Thank you!
  • Hello,

    does anyone have any advice?

    Thank you!
  • Can you export the two citations from zotero to CSL JSON and post/link the result here? Do you add any locator in the citations in Word, like paragraphe?
  • Thank you very much for the response. I will try to find out what CSL JON is and post the link in case I manage to use it :)

    I do use in my Word citations the "paragraph" field of Zotero; I just insert the number of the paragraph (like I would do with pages).
  • Select the two entries in zotero, right click to open the context menue, export to, choose CSL JSON. The file can be opened with any text editor and copy the content here or link to a copy if uploaded somewhere.
  • Thank you very much for your patient explanation. The result is below. If I am not mistaken, there is no difference?

    "id": 5086,
    "type": "legal_case",
    "title": "China — Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, WT/DS394/AB/R",
    "authority": "Appellate Body",
    "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
    "id": 5058,
    "type": "legal_case",
    "title": "European Communities — Trade Description of Sardines, WT/DS231/AB/R",
    "authority": "Appellate Body",
    "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  • Okay, yes, they are identical in their structure.

    I think I know what happens: if you cite a reference the first time it will show up as
    China — Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, WT/DS394/AB/R, 356 (Appellate Body 2012).
    but for subsequent (not immediate) citations of the same reference, you will see
    China — Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, WT/DS394/AB/R, 356 (Appellate Body 2012), para. 356.
    Can you confirm that?
  • edited March 12, 2015
    I have checked - and yes, you are right! Well done.

    So apparently this is built into the style and I cannot change it easily, unless I would modify the style itself, correct?

    So I guess will have to use a different style. Is there a way of knowing (without trying out each style) which of the law-related styles would not do a similar thing and cite cases always in the same format?

    When I browse the styles in the repository I will be given examples of how certain items appear in the literature list, but I can't see whether e.g. a reference is quoted differently the first time it is used and the other times it is used - or am I mistaken?

    Thanks again!
  • Okay, yes that is coded in the CSL style. However, it looks for me like an error in the implementation. The CMoS expert @adamsmith can maybe help on that later. I would suggest to wait for his opinion. Your are right about the preview in the style repository. Maybe useful for you is the CSL Test Pane. However, for that you need to have the styles already installed or you can try to copy and paste.

    @adamsmith: Can you look into this issue about CMoS?
  • Much appreciated, zuphilip! I will wait a while before changing my document to a different style, in case the expert has time to take care of this issue. And otherwise I will try with the test pane and see whether a different style works better for my purposes.
  • I'll take a look. Legal citations aren't done with a ton of care in Chicago style, so it's very much possible this is wrong.
  • @adamsmith Any news on this issue?
  • Just to confirm that I would still be interested in a solution to this problem (without intending to push things or pressure anyone - I am sure there are many other important issues).
  • This is now fixed. All subsequent cases also take the form

    China — Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, WT/DS394/AB/R, 356 (Appellate Body 2012)

    the paragraph number that's stuck kind of in the middle of the citation is unfortunately necessary for the Bluebook/Chicago rules for citing US cases, not going to change that (regular Zotero is unable to account for different citation rules depending on jurisdiction. MLZ can do this).
  • Sorry for my late reply - many thanks for fixing this, much appreciated!
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