zotero fails after adding references to a scientific document

I am having the same problem as before. I am using openoffice 2.41 and zotero 1.0.7 in mandriva linux 2008.1. After adding a number of references to my openoffice document gives me the following error

inadmissable value or data type. Index out of defined range.

The basic script stops at
' Update bibliography data
If mResultArray(1) = "X" Then
For i = 0 To (j - 1)
Set mMarks(mBibliographies(i)) = fnRenameMark(mMarks(mBibliographies(i)), "ZOTERO_BIBL")
If I start a new document that has no text or references I can add the reference that was rejected so the database is fine. This has now happened on all three papers that I have worked on--usually after about 40 references. I love the program and the database is handy to kkep track of references and PDFs but cannot trust it to reproducibly add references to my documents. I now have to manually splice the reference from another document. I hope this defect can be identified. Any other users having this problem??
  • (Continued from http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/4267/please-helpreferences-lost-from-zotero-database/)

    I would try upgrading to OpenOffice 3.0.
  • I have tried using OpenOffice 3 on a newly installed Mandriva 2009 computer. I get the same error. What I find interesting is that if I try to add a particular reference to the document it fails and I get the runtime error. If I open a new document with no test and start a line of text I can add that reference. This is a major problem that I am seeing consistently. It means that I can only use Zotero if I manually add the references from the database.--Nothing left to try.
  • We weren't able to reproduce this the first time, but we'll take another look. Upload your database to the DB Repair Tool, note the Upload ID (ignoring the download links), and send that and the document to support@zot....org.
  • Thanks for giving this another try. I have sent a document as well as my actual database and storage file. That should allow you to recreate my problem. As requested I have also sent the database via the DB repair tool--I have noticed that this tool breaks linkage to my pdfs so it will be interesting to see if my actual database recreates the problem in your hands.
  • The DB repair tool should absolutely not do that.

    We could look into that, too, but we haven't received an e-mail from you. Please don't try to e-mail us your database. We just need the Upload ID.
  • Sorry about that. I will resend as soon as my email is up--the large upload caused a problem.--did you receive what I sent?
  • I'm afraid I'm still not able to reproduce this at all. I added a bunch of citations to your document using your original database without any problems. Tested with OO 2.4.1 on Ubuntu.

    I'd recommend trying on a non-Mandriva system. We've had no other reports of this.
  • OK--I will try Ubuntu and let you know how it goes. I will also try using the database without the storage file.
  • Dan--Can I send you my actual database and nor the uploaded one from the DB tool. I tried the Sq database without the storage file and it immediately gives me the same data out of range error.

  • I tested with your original database, not the repaired file.

    The storage folder has no effect on the word processor plugin.
  • OK--I will put ubuntu on my laptop and give it a try.--Will let you know in a few days.

    Thanks for your help.
  • Hi Dan--forgot to ask. What version of linux did you test my document with.
  • I have the same problem. I love zotero, but the timing couldn't be worse: the day i have to give my PhD thesis to my Prof!
  • robtenhove---what operating system are you using??
  • Hi Dan--Sorry I took so long to get back to you. Took me a bit longer to get used to Ubuntu--not a Gnome user but really liked it. Very interesting result. I used Ubuntu and as you said everything worked perfectly. I have no idea why Mandriva had the problem. Should we notify them of the problem? It might be very useful to know why the problem is generated with this operating system. I will try a few things with Mandriva to see if I can identify the problem.

    Anyway--I am back on-line with Zotero. Thanks for your help with this problem. I really appreciate you trying my document and database.

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