Capitalization in OSCOLA
How can I stop Zotero automatically capitalizing the titles of legislation in OSCOLA (Oxford law referencing style). OSCOLA requires that the titles of these particular types of legislation are all in lower case apart from the first few words which describe the type of legislation it is. Can I make Zotero just include it exactly as I type it into the database?
But please note that, given Zotero's limitations on legal data, OSCOLA requires specific data entry conventions, in particular for legal cases. For examples (all using citation examples from the manual) see (this is a public group, you can also join it to directly sync those items to Zotero)
1. references to chapters are required by OSCOLA to be in this format: "ch 1". Zotero uses "chap" instead of "ch". Is it possible to change that?
2. EU case law needs to be cited as in this example: Case Cā176/03 Commission v Council [2005] ECR Iā7879, paras 47ā48. "Case C-176/03" should not be italicised, "Commission v Council" should be italicised and "[2005] ECR I-7879, paras 47-48" should not be italicised. Currently, the entire reference is put into italics. Is there anything that zotero can do about this? Is there anything I can do about this?
3. Occasionally, I need to write some text in a footnote in italics, eg when I am referring to a case. Is there any way of formatting citations through zotero?
Thanks for your suggestion re the OSCOLA group. Unless I'm missing something, I can't see how these help me achieve what I need to do (I am not very tech-savvy). None of the example citations are ones I would need to cite and there aren't any EU cases there. Grateful for any help you can offer.
Thank you
2. Probably requires playing with data entry, specifically, try entering the case name as <i>Case Cā176/03</i> Commission v Council
(and then the rest just like other comparable cases) that might work.
3. Use the same html tags -- i.e. <i> and </i> -- in the prefix and suffix field to italicize there.
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Styles also update automatically within 24hs for Zotero 4.0+
In an existing document, you may have to switch to a different style and back for the changes to take effect once the style is updated.
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