[MLZ] How do I go from MLZ to regular Zotero?

I had the MLZ Firefox plugin installed, and removed it, and the installed Zotero It complains that "This version of Zotero is older than the version last used with your database. Please upgrade to the latest version from zotero.org." I'm assuming that's because the MLZ database is not compatible.

I don't have any useful citations in my database. How do I tell Zotero to wipe out the database, and start with a fresh, blank copy?
  • Never mind .. I figured it out, based on [this discussion](https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/4121/can-not-delete-database/). I just found the Zotero data directory, and, with FF closed, deleted it. Then, restarted FF.
  • That will do it, if the database was empty.

    In case others come by this thread, the following steps can be used to revert a database that had useful entries before the MLZ install:
    1. Be sure your data is backup up
    2. Be sure your MLZ data is synced
    3. Find the Zotero data directory on your PC
    4. Stop Firefox
    5. Copy the zotero.sqlite file to another name (say, zotero.sqlite.BACKUP)
    6. Find the most recent automatic backup of the original Zotero database (i.e. zotero.sqlite.77.bak), and copy it to zotero.sqlite
    7. Start Firefox
    8. Sync
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