No translator button
As per the troubleshooting translators page, I've gone through all the previous steps including resetting translators.
I don't get a translator button on any website. I haven't been using it much since before Christmas so the problem may be anywhere from a day to four weeks old.
I have enabled the debug logger in chrome extensions and the debug id is D1284583840
The action taken was the reloading of an amazon page.
Many thanks,
As per the troubleshooting translators page, I've gone through all the previous steps including resetting translators.
I don't get a translator button on any website. I haven't been using it much since before Christmas so the problem may be anywhere from a day to four weeks old.
I have enabled the debug logger in chrome extensions and the debug id is D1284583840
The action taken was the reloading of an amazon page.
Many thanks,
Upon checking now, the message from Chrome was 'You are nearly up to date, relaunch chrome to update'. Upon relaunch, all translator buttons appear to be back!
Many thanks.
I am using Zotero 4.0.19, Firefox 34.0.4, OS X Yosemite 10.10 on a mid 2013 MacBook Air. I use Zotero integrated with Firefox [though I also have standalone installed on my computer. (4.0.20) to maintain a separate library of references that are read into a wordpress website by tag using zotpress]
I have been through Steps 1 -10 in the troubleshooting translator issues and nothing is resolved.
Sample Amazon url where it is not working:
Report ID is 2084386721
The only other thing I can think of: I was having trouble with the native pdf reader in Firefox (it was not giving me the option to open, only to download first) I followed debugging instructions, which involved deleting the file mimeTypes.rdf. The only file of this type I found on my computer was in the Zotero folder. I deleted it (I have a copy). The Firefox problem was resovled; it may or may not have been after that that the Zotero problem emerged.
I'm especially keen to resolve this since I am teaching new PhD students in Oxford/Ho Chi Minh City in the next few weeks. I always try and sell students on Zotero but can't if it doesn't work!
(If you're get an error trying to download the new version, see