Use 'site-specific export' for local applications
Thank you for producing Zotero. I am a new convert.
I am wondering if this is possible: says that it is possible to have Zotero export differently for different web sites.
What I'd like is to be able to get different exports for different local applications, or for different file types.
I use R Studio and other LaTeX editors, and create files that are markdown and LaTeX. It would be really helpful for Zotero to give me, say `\cite{Bloggs}` for a LaTeX file and `[@Bloggs]` for a MD file, or the LaTeX version when using TeXShop and the MD version when using RStudio.
Maybe it is as simple as I can't get the correct specification of file path for the applications? Or something more complicated...
I am wondering if this is possible: says that it is possible to have Zotero export differently for different web sites.
What I'd like is to be able to get different exports for different local applications, or for different file types.
I use R Studio and other LaTeX editors, and create files that are markdown and LaTeX. It would be really helpful for Zotero to give me, say `\cite{Bloggs}` for a LaTeX file and `[@Bloggs]` for a MD file, or the LaTeX version when using TeXShop and the MD version when using RStudio.
Maybe it is as simple as I can't get the correct specification of file path for the applications? Or something more complicated...
One hack would be to create bookmarks for fake paths on your own domain (or
a fake domain that points to in /etc/hostslocalhost) and assign site-specific formats to those paths, and then click the bookmark before triggering Quick Copy. (You could also probably use something like Zutilo to assign different shortcut keys to different formats.)I've tried the Zutilo option, but is seems to only allow changing the keyboard short cuts for things it has already defined, and export formats is not one of those as far as I can see.
I'm trying out the bookmarks option, which does sort of work already. I'm using it as an excuse to set up my own localhost server to serve a site that I can easily add pages for each format I want and to and put html in to remind me of why I put it there.
Thanks very much for your help.