Import Word biliography with Zotero citation codes into Zotero (Firefox)

Problem: I refreshed my computer, and even though I copied the entire Zotero program file, when I finished refreshing and opened said folder my Zotero library was empty. I now would like to import citations from a word document into my new Zotero (web plug-in). My citations were originally entered into the word doc using Zotero standalone and all the code it still connected to the citation within the word doc.

I've tried downloading the MLZ and cannot get it to even open and the citation style page that people keep linking to does not work.
  • I've tried downloading the MLZ and cannot get it to even open and the citation style page that people keep linking to does not work.
    That's the only way to get your citations back (provided they're not online, so check that), so you'll need to give us more details about what's not working. "Cannot get it to open" -- it's a Firefox add-on, so are you saying it doesn't install in Firefox? Once installed you don't see it? The pane doesn't open?
  • Here are my steps for downloading MLZ.

    First I find the MLZ blog on zotero and go to this webpage:

    Then, under Installation, i click the "this link" link and it opens another tab that asks me to allow installation. I allow.

    Then after about 1 minute a box opens up asking me again if I trust this server and I allow.

    Then it asks me to restart Firefox, which I do.

    Here's where it goes wrong. Now instead of a "Z" next to my search bar there is a red circle with z inside (i'm assuming the MLZ logo). When I click on it it says there is an error in loading Zotero.
  • You should install MLZ from here:
    Frank should probably take that site down, both its contents and the links are outdated.
  • Nope, that link doesn't work. I get this:

    Server not found

    Firefox can't find the server at

    Check the address for typing errors such as instead of
    If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.
    If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

    Try Again
  • edited January 10, 2015
    anything odd about your network? That shouldn't be a problem & works for me.
  • I'm in Belize at the moment and I just downloaded the Adobe flash player (apparently that got erased too when I refreshed). If being out of the country is a problem then i'll wait to try this again once i'm back in the states.
  • Generally not -- Frank is in Japan, his users are all over the world -- but could be that this is getting blocked for you for some odd reason. You could try a different network.
  • Hooray! I downloaded it. I had to get it from a cached version of the site, but it seems to work. What are my next steps?
  • Aurimas's post he linked to in the other thread is the best place to start.

    has brief instructions. Following the links is important, they have a lot more details (provided they work..., let us know if any fail and we can put that info up somewhere else).
  • Frank should probably take that site down, both its contents and the links are outdated.
    Redirect now in place - thanks for pointing that one out.
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