Remove URL from bibliography

For some reason the URL and accession date shows up in my bibliography for a small subset of journal articles (maybe ~5%).
I have not been able to find out what the difference is between these entries and others that do not print a URL in the bibliography (e.g. both actually do have a URL in the zotero-info panel).

I realize that one way to get rid of this is to manually remove the URL from the specific citations where this happens, but I would like to actually change the citation style to not print URLs for 'journal article' entries at all.

I am using a modified version of the 'The EMBO Journal' citation style (although it also happens in the unmodified style).

Help please :)
  • Here's an example:

    Ohzeki J, Bergmann JH, Kouprina N, Noskov VN, Nakano M, Kimura H, Earnshaw WC, Larionov V & Masumoto H (2012) Breaking the HAC Barrier: Histone H3K9 acetyl/methyl balance regulates CENP-A assembly. EMBO J. Available at: [Accessed April 15, 2012]

    Ohzeki J, Nakano M, Okada T & Masumoto H (2002) CENP-B box is required for de novo centromere chromatin assembly on human alphoid DNA. J. Cell Biol. 159: 765–775
  • Never mind, i discovered the problem. if there is no issue/page number, it shows the URL instead.

    Sorry for the public talking-to-myself-thing
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