Reference type for edited book

Most bibliographic styles stipulate different formats for authored books and edited books. Zotero should provide document types for "book" and "edited book."
  • edited November 8, 2006
    Or could Zotero do something clever to determine this based on whether there are "Authors" or "Editors" assigned to the book?

    And what's the current behavior? I'll have to check that out...
  • @wfon -- in my experience, this isn't true. The only thing that is formatted differently is the contributor (the editor gets a role description added).
  • edited November 8, 2006
    the only reason endnote has an edited book item type is because it is not a relational db --it doesn't have a separate author table and therefore needs a special field for editors. zotero should be able to add "ed." after creators' names if author type is "editor"--there is no need for a special item type.
  • I just want to add to this old thread-- I still think there should be a separate reference type for edited book. As it is, every time I import new books, if they are edited volumes I have to go in and change "contributor" to "editor" (please correct me if I am wrong)-- that is a small labor, but I have to remember to do it. Other comparable programs seem to be able to detect that it is edited without my intervention.
  • @bess: I suspect the problem you are having is a problem with either the original data (library sourced records often aren't very specific about contributors), or with the conversion code. It's not a consequence of not having an "edited book" type.
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