repeated references using Nature (numeric) reference format


I keep getting references repeated multiple times in the reference list of a document I am creating using the Nature citation format (which is numeric) in Word 2007 using Zotero and zotero word integration plugin 3.1.17. It doesn't happen all the time, but some of the time when I insert an already cited reference, it treats it as a new reference with a new number. I can't seem to figure out why it happens sometimes, but not others. I am using track changes and the references are in a group library.

If anyone has any ideas why this is happening and what I can do to avoid it, I would appreciate it.

  • The most probably cause is that the items you are citing are, in fact, duplicate items in your library. Can you verify that you don't have the same item in your library multiple times. You can check this either by right-clicking on the library icon in Zotero and select show duplicates or by selecting the the "Show in Library" option in the Word Processor dialog and seeing if it takes you to the exact same item.
  • I don't have duplicates of these items in the group library, but I do have a duplicate copy in my personal library. I initially thought that that was the problem, citing sometimes from personal, but sometimes from the group, but I am now very careful to make sure that I don't do this anymore (always citing from group) and I still get the same problem. Could it be that sometimes I cite using "already cited in document" section and when I do it gets confused and cites from the personal even though previous cites were from the group library?
  • as a matter of principle, start by updating Zotero to the most recent--4.0.23--version. I doubt that'll change anything, but good to work with up-to-date software when troubleshooting.

    The next thing to test, then, would be to press alt+F9 to show Zotero field codes. The field codes include an item URI -- that should be the same for items that you want to have the same number. If it's not, you're somehow still inserting different items.
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