TorBrowser-specific problem with bibliography creation problem


I stumbled on a very strange problem with this self-made style only when I use it with Zotero in the TorBrowser 4.0 (based on Firefox ESR 31.2.0). In the section<if type="article-journal"> the command <text variable="URL" [...]> is not executed for many entries. For some, it strangely is...

In the same Zotero version in a regular Firefox 32.0.2, the code is executed for all entries I tried so far. I take this as an indicator for the problem resulting from either TorBrowser generally or Zotero in the TorBrowser specifically not passing on all these HTML character codes.

Does anyone have the time to test this as well or to provide general advice about using Zotero in TorBrowser? Thanks and greetings!
  • Encoding literal HTML links in attribute strings in the way you've done in the style is likely to cause problems. It appears to validate against the CSL schema, but if Zotero is declaring it invalid, those entities are probably what it's stumbling on.

    (The citation formatter in Zotero can be made to add markup like this properly with a small amount of tweaking, if altering the client is something you would contemplate for your use case.)
  • Is it declared invalid by your Zotero installation upon import? That part works fine for me.

    Anyway, where can I learn about the tweaking required to insert hyperlinks in a more elegant way? I searched around here on the forums before using this style, but found mostly "not currently possible"-like entries.
  • well, I think the actual issue that you're seeing, though, is that Zotero, by default, treats URL=false for items with a page range, even where thy have a URL in the URL field. You can toggle that behavior by checking the "include URL" box under Cite-->Styles in the Zotero preferences.

    It may still be worth it to follow up on Frank's suggestion--I think the main issue that you'd expect to see is that, when using the HTML bibliography function in Zotero, angle brackets (<>) would be escaped, which would then break your hyperlinking efforts. If that isn't how you're using this, I think your "literal" approach should be fine.
  • Thanks! That must have been the only setting that overlooked when migrating to TorBrowser M-( My apologies!

    Case closed: no bug after all; "literal" approach does work.
  • I stand corrected! Sorry for the red herring.
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