Add items by identifier...ISBN or DOI on net search is nit working

Add items by identifier...ISBN or DOI on net search is nit working. When ISBN number is inserted it shows the message"Zotero could not find a record for the specified identifier. Please verify the identifier and try again"
  • Please provide the ISBN you are entering as well as all relevant version numbers for your OS, browser, Zotero
  • No ISBN entry is working. As for example ISBN 0-07-229763-8 Book name INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR MANAGEMENT, I am using windows 8.1 Pro, firefox 34 and zotero 4
  • Firefox 34 is still in beta and is not yet supported. Please switch to the stable release of Firefox (33)
  • Thank you a lot. It is working in firefox 33. I have installed firefox 33 and stopped auto-update. Thanks.
  • You certainly do not want to stop auto update. Are you saying that Firefox decided to update to 34 on its own? Are you sure you did not install a beta version yourself?
  • edited May 14, 2015
    I am also finding that "Add items by identifier" is unreliable. Sometimes it works as expected but on other occasions it gives different and incorrect results each time you enter the same number. Most recently I entered ISSN 1833–7503 (with and without the ISSN part, and got back citations for documents with completely different ISSNs on each occasion. Here is the URL where the document I was citing can be found as a PDF under the Downloads tab.$File/att4no0k.pdf

    I have had similar problems with Zotero desktop for about 3 years now. I am running Zotero on Windows 7 and using various browsers including Chrome and Firefox version 37.0.2. I am in Australia, using Australian settings for localization of Windows.
  • ISSNs don't work. Only ISBNs, DOIs, and PMIDs. Zotero likely adds part of the ISSN as a PMID.
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