Citation URL Always Missing... anyway to try to fill it in automatically?

I import the citations via some URL, usually based off a Google Scholar or PubMed link. 99.9% of the time the URL field is blank, which is highly annoying because if people ever intend to actually look at the sources they'll need a URL.

Even if it's not "the" perfect source URL (i.e. even if it goes to a ScienceDirect, JSTOR, Google Scholar, or other secondary website which links to or describes the paper) I would really like for there to be SOME link associated with all of my citations.

Of course, one solution is to manually update this field for all existing and future references. However, that slows down an otherwise quick, automated import of citation data. Is there anyway to make Zotero try to automatically populate the URL field based on the source of the citation being imported or by some other means?
  • Can you give a sample Google Scholar entry that does not have a pre-filled URL after importing into Zotero? (i.e. search keywords, and the title of the entry)
  • Have you actually checked the URL field of those items? Because 99% can't really be true:
    Zotero will save the URL when you're getting the item from a full text source like JSTOR and Sciencedirect. It will also include URLs when saving from Google Scholar.
    It will _not_, however, include URLs from pubmed, which does not host article texts, so would not actually be a link to a source. Pubmed articles are saved, however, with a pubmed ID and, where available, a DOI. The former allows you to quickly get to a pubmed article, the latter to the authoritative version of the article online via a DOI resolver. Pubmed also attaches a link to the pubmed page that you can use from Zotero--it's an attached item though, not a URL.

    The rationale behind all of this is that it helps Zotero generate correct citations. A citation should not include a URL to a page that doesn't actually host the article/book (that's why there are also no URLs for Amazon books or library catalogs).

    There's no way to change since on your side, no.
  • I have references from EBSCO that were created with the URL, but now the references do not include them. The box to include URLs is checked. No DOI is recorded in the reference either. The latest Firefox, Zotero, and plug-in for Word is installed.
  • Which citation style? Not all citation styles include URLs
  • APA 6th. As mentioned, I have previous references with the URL in the same format.
  • edited September 24, 2014
    Can you export the reference in question from Zotero in Zotero RDF format, post it to and link to it here?

    This works for me with APA 6th edition, a journal article with URL and no DOI entered in Zotero, and "Include URLs..." option checked in Zotero preferences under Cite -> Styles.
  • Where do I make sure I export in Zotero RDF format? I can only do RTF. Also, now,I have the add-in in Word, but it is not recognized in Zotero. It is prompting me to install it. As a result, when I click on the icon to insert a citation in add-in in Word, I am taken to an Add/Edit citation window instead of the red bar where I usually insert text to prompt the article that I want cited.
  • Zotero says that MS Word add-in is not installed.
  • gist:446c5a33c1159ec5c470
    Where do I make sure I export in Zotero RDF format?
    Right-click the item in Zotero (not on the website), then select Export and choose "Zotero RDF" in the dropdown. Open the RDF file in a text editor and copy the contents, then post that on
    Also, now,I have the add-in in Word, but it is not recognized in Zotero. It is prompting me to install it.
    What exactly is prompting you where (after what action?) and what is the actual message you are seeing?
    Zotero says that MS Word add-in is not installed.
    Have you tried re-installing it? (Preferences -> Cite -> Word Processors -> Install Microsoft Word Add-In)
    when I click on the icon to insert a citation in add-in in Word, I am taken to an Add/Edit citation window instead of the red bar where I usually insert text to prompt the article that I want cited.
    This is not related to your previous error messages (and would indicate that the add-in is properly installed). It is launching the Classic "Add citation" dialog. You can switch back to the modern dialog via Preferences -> Cite -> Word Processors -> "Use classic Add Citation dialog"
  • I exported and sent the link. Did you receive it? I tried reinstalling the Word Add-In. Whether I check or uncheck the "add citation", I still don't get the red window.
  • If you mean the link you posted above, that's not quite right. Export the Zotero RDF without files. When you open it, you should see a relatively large text file and you'll recognize some of the elements of your citation. That's what we need you to put on
    If you replied to a forum post by e-mail, that doesn't work.
    Whether I check or uncheck the "add citation"
    That seems quite unlikely. Could you say exactly what you're unchecking?
  • gist:3c642b25a8c924021022

    I hope that I did this correctly. LMK.
  • OK, so for one, there is no URL entered for that reference (I guess, as you said). If you enter something there, it would display in your bibliography.

    Secondly, we were not importing URLs from ERIC, because ERIC is generally a catalog for papers that are hosted elsewhere. I do see that some papers are hosted on ERIC, so I fixed this on our end. The URL will now be importing for papers that can be downloaded directly from ERIC.

    You can update your translators via Preferences -> General -> Update Now
  • That item doesn't have a URL, nor a DOI. The two corresponding fields are empty, you can check the Zotero entry. ERIC doesn't supply a DOI here and we don't include URLs from ERIC in the item data--though we maybe should--but on the citation side this is all working as it should: You should probably just track down the DOI for that item and include it in the data to get a correct APA citation.
  • Thank you--I don't see the URL, yet, even after doing the update.
    However, why does Zotero not recognize the Add-In in Word? It still says, "The Microsoft Add-In is currently not installed."
  • edited September 26, 2014
    You would have to re-import the item from the webpage (also restart your browser) for the URL to be added.
    Edit: provide a URL where this is not the case if it's still not working

    Please start a new thread for your other issue and include exact steps you are taking to trigger the error message and the exact text of the message (don't translate if it's in another language).
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