CCFR / Catalogue collectif de France
I'm doing a large research project using the CCFR (Catalogue collectif de France). Zotero does not recognize the catalogue entries. Zotero does work well with the BNF catalogue, but the CCFR contains much more material and is particularly useful for my current project. Any chance that a translator could be created (or has already been created) for this site?
The recordId is in the javascript onclick of the search results and in
//input[@type="hidden" and @id="memRecordId"]/@value
in item _frames_
With this, a stripped down version of MARC (or MAB2?) is available via<recordId>
I found this link which seems more generic :
It works for example with this kind of id, not from Lyon : z3950_sudoc:SUDOC:rset-RS114|show 102
But datas are less structured (and all this javascript doesn't motivate me to start developping a translator ...)
We just need that someone from the team validates it. Otherwise lwaycott you can download the raw file of the translator ( ) and copy it to your translator directory (locate it from Preferences > Advanced > Files and directories, then under the translators directory).
Let me know if you find bugs (I know there are still), send titles that are not well imported.
CCFr is not the easiest way to parse ...
Is it possible for you to update zotero so that it works again? We would be very grateful. Thanks.