Copy or move from My Library to a Group

I use the Chrome plugin to save citations to Zotero. I need to save, copy, or move the citations to a shared group library. Is there a setting that I can use or a copy function in the program? I use the web interface to manage citations.


  • don't use the web interface to manage citations, it's quite limited in a number of ways.

    In the software proper, you can just drag&drop citations between groups and My Library.
  • I will do that then. Thanks!!
  • Is there a way to copy items so that they will sync to group library without dragging and dropping? I need a keyboard shortcut option because dragging and dropping is not an option for me. I can't figure out a way to have a group library sync.
  • no, sorry. Unfortunately groups--like collections--aren't really usable without drag&drop at this point. We're aware that causes accessibility issues.

    You can, though, create items in groups directly, both manually and with whichever browser add-on you're using.
  • (though your use of "sync" here is a little confusing: mouse or not, there is no way to sync items between a group and a personal library).
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