report error

According to zotero I should advise you a report error. I have submitting this number of error: 1142893776
It seems that is because an Error to download a review reference of sage journal.

Thanks for your attention
  • another report error:

    892950052....nothing work good...all files are lost....please help me. When I start to downloadin the references all seem work good, but after a time appear the box "The attached file could not be found''. It may have been moved or deleted outside of Zotero... It seem simple to repare for you but not to me...I dont know what is the deed I lost too much time...almost two days trying to download the articles and then...nothing...nothing to open...I'm very frustrating for me, and moreover very frustrating because I'm very old to learn everything about systems...Zotero was a great discovery for my secondary class of history, but now i feel that I'm away of the tool, in part because when I saw zotero sync I thought that zotero tool will be better than was a tremendous mistake and now I'm writing all day long at the forums...and...nobody read me may be because my questions seem to be naive...
    Excuse me ...this emotional behaviour is because I'm so frustrated.
  • Report error: 1303420465

    Thank you
  • Reporto error 1399968976
  • Report error 352638170
  • edited October 31, 2008
    To elaborate on what I said in another thread:

    It sounds like you want to be running Zotero 1.0.7, the current stable release. Zotero 1.5 Sync Preview is a test release for users who want to help us test and debug the next major version of Zotero.

    If you upgraded from 1.0, you can export any items you added since then to Zotero RDF and import them into your 1.0 library (assuming you followed the instructions and have 1.0.7 in a separate Firefox profile). A saved search may help you find items added since a certain date.

    If you started with 1.5, you'll need to export your entire library to Zotero RDF, backup and remove your 1.5 data directory, install 1.0.7, and import the RDF into it. You could also use a separate profile for 1.0.7.

    Either way, upgrade your copy of 1.5 to Sync Preview 3.2, which fixes Zotero RDF export issues, before exporting.
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