Folders disappears?
I don't understand this, once in a while, it seems like my folders are dissolving. I still have all the individual files, but now they are stored under "unsaved items" in the bottom of my library. This has happened a few times with bigger or smaller folders. Help!
I am using version in Firefox.
I am using version in Firefox.
caobao(to clarify: it has happened to individual folders, not the entire library).
dstillmanIt's not really possible for that to happen on its own. The most likely explanation is that you're accidentally deleting them (and accepting the confirmation prompt).
caobaoI am positive that I have not done that. And this has happened twice to me.
dstillmanNot sure what to tell you. No one else has reported this, and there's not really any reason it would happen on its own. If you can reproduce it, let us know and provide a Report ID. (I would check your delete history on the server to tell you exactly when the collections were deleted, but it looks like you just did a Restore to Zotero Server for some reason, and that wipes out delete history.)