report ID 174367293 syncing problem

error message:
'** fix for UDP-1061 Average customer reviews has ...'is too long to synch.
Search for the item with this name and shorten it.

I just cannot find this item, even in trash or my one group. It may be an item pulled off of Amazon. Suggestions?
  • Not much more we can tell you. If you're getting the message, an item with that author name exists in one of your libraries. You should be able to simply enter "UDP-1061" into the Zotero search bar at the root of your libraries to find the item.
  • edited July 15, 2014
    It's in your personal library. As an alternative to pasting the name excerpt above, you can paste '8F4TJANA' into the search bar to find the item.
  • (And yes, it looks like this was due to a temporary bug in Amazon's data, where an internal developer comment made its way into the data. I see that same string in various places around the web in place of normal Amazon content.)
  • Thank you! I went through my personal library and found the offending item, which somehow ended up in an author field. I'm now synched!
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